
Showing posts from November, 2013

This was an amazing day (& pictures)!

Haai everyone. My feet are fucking killing me! Me and mom just got back home from the mall Ušće. It was so freaaking awesome! Today has been great, in great detail. Little things made me happy which surprises me. First, in school, my teacher didn't grade our Chemistry test so that made me happy. I will get them on Wednesday. I got this voucher at the end of 8th grade at the amount of $59. Which is 5,000 dinara for Gigatron! It's a computer store, check it out if you don't know about it. Anyway! I've always wanted headphones for music! Not those ear buds, but they're really expensive, like $30 and this was a great opportunity! I had to spend ALL of the 60 dollars otherwise I don't get back my change if I don't, 'cause it's a voucher so mom bought herself an adapter for her hard drive or something? I don't know the right translation. We even had to step in like 7 dollars. :3 I can't show you sadly, I can't take good pictures of them b


Haai guyss.. Back from school like an hour ago, but I got out of my house as soon as I could! xD First we had English class and my teacher complimented me on my work, knowledge and everything else. Then we had Biology and she didn't get to me so I got left un touched! Yey. Theen, we had Arts and we wrote a lot. For the next two weeks we won't really have Arts. We only have it on Thursdays, one class a week and next Thursday we have the Blok practice again and the one after that, the comission is coming, people are taking tests for college. :3 So I have two weeks to finish all my work. And then, we had two classes of Chemistry. The first was chill, we practiced for a test afterwards. There were 8 tasks, I did 7.. I'm getting a D. I feel it. D: Omg..! Again? Tokyo again?! really? I'm so jeaaalous!! I can't wait till they try things again! Foods! I hope they will! But come on, they we're like, this summer! I'm so jelly! It was uploaded 5 hours ago, so

13 friends!

Top 13 Friends Created by lyss013 and taken 19 times on Bzoink Name 13 Friends. 1: Mary 2: Thanasis 3: Houston 4: Michael 5: Luka R. 6: Bojana 7: Hristina 8: Matija Milivojevic 9: Kristina 10: Alex 11: David 12: Jelena 13: Luka P.

A few childhood memories

Psycho reminded me of some.. and I just thought it'd be cute to share. :3 Okay, first on my list was, I wasn't VERY little but I was a lot younger than now. It was like maybe 3rd grade, so I was what, 9? :3 My dad works in shifts and mom works in a firm, so her schedule is always the same. Through 7am to 3pm. When dad would work the 1st shift, he leaves before mom, around 5am. Since I was a hyperactive child, I usually never slept or I woke up early because I slept the whole day before.. and I would ask dad for school money. My parents never had small bills, always gave me at least 5 or sometimes 10 dollars (That's either 500 or 1000 dinara) which is A LOT. I'd hide the money and when mom would wake up, she's ask if dad gave me money and I'd say No. >;3 Sounds like I was a little meanii as a child but noo.. It was cute to them too. :3 Also! I used to write on our white walls with mom's make-up... Like the first 3 times, I ruin all of it! I didn

Animal(s) I'm scared of.

I don't mean like... I'm scared of lions! I would be if I saw one right in front of me or something, but I'm not.. I mean, he is a wild animals but in zoo's, why would you be scared of him? He's beautiful. :3 I mean like.. animals that can be domestic actually but I'm scared of them and  I think you can count a snake in there... Read till the end if you care. xD Monkeys!  I am so freaking scared of monkeys. They freeak me out. There are some monkeys that are cuute, mostly baby monkeys but every other one is just scarryy. Monkeys grow REALLY sharp and long teeth, baboons especially! Gorilla's not so much but they're still SHARP as hell! But Baboon's, jesus. I think they're longer than lions front teeth. Tell me he isn't freaky...  They're really like... eww... ew... I thought Squirrel monkeys are cute but no... Omg, there was thisss, uum, like white-faced Saki monkeys! They freaking look like a mix of vultures and a s


I usually have nightmares when it comes to dreams. My dreams usually consist of either abnormal things that describe the things that are bothering me or stressing me out, or they are random and some inverted situation of how I'd like things to be. It's kind of confusing. To be honest, I very rarely dream anything, but when I do, it's a cycle and it has a reason. For me, it rarely happens that after a bad day, I dream anything or have a nightmare though that has happened if It upset me really bad. Usually, I don't dream anything until bad things repeatedly happen or the stress keeps on growing or moving onto the next day and the next, you get what I'm saying? Me being me, I keep the stress in and I don't cry, I don't let it out except for the usual methods; To take it out on the people that get across my path even though they don't deserve it but I tend to control that. If the stress keeps growing and moving on and I don't do anything, there w


Guaranteed %100 Unique Created by finnikins and taken 5861 times on Bzoink

Cookies, KitKat and a Bonzita!

These are the cookies I am loving so much! They are so amazing, oh my god... In my own store they're in a different pack only but oh my god, they're good.. I also bought the Kitkat white chocolate bar! :3 I couldn't find the Serbian look alike but mine is just out of one bar, not two little ones. :3 And! A Bonzita! I only bought the green one but tomorrow I'll buy the other ones too! I've tried this one before but it's been a LONG time since. The other ones I have never... It'll be cool! Eating my cookies at the moment, soon will open up the Bonzita! :3

Commenting 'Wrecking Ball'

I just now realized how much it can remind me of Poroner... at least from two years. Where was this when I needed it. ._. Not everything... just some parts I believe... Actually, maybe even all of it. I can add this for a few more people but he's on my mind at the moment. I might do this for a few other people. We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain. We jumped, never asking why.  Jumped like, we rushed into things, never asking why or how it would end up. We kissed, I fell under your spell. A love, no one could deny.  Fell under his spell, I've talked about this. He was my leader, sort of... And yeah, no one could deny that I loved him, I did. Don't you ever say I just walked away.  I will always want you.  He can't ever say I just walked away because he did, I stayed. I can't live a lie running for my life. I will always want you.  Well, just the want you part. I came in like a wrecking ball! Sort off.. I just sort of pooped in between and wel

Miley's new look and songs

Let's be clear, I hate it. This; And similar is NOT the Miley we/I know. I understand she's growing up and need to develop her own style, music and everything that comes with the music business and all, but if this is truly HER style, then I'd be happier if she stayed Hannah Montana forever. I hate the change, I hate the violence, it's all so vulgar and ugly. I don't see anything sexy, hot, beautiful, interesting or even watch worthy when you watch her videos. The song " We can't stop " is absolutely idiotic... "It's our party, we can do what we want". -.-  The rhythm is okay surprisingly at some parts but when you combine the words and the video, it's EW. There's nothing smart in there, not that there was too much of it before too, but this is just ridiculous. I don't know why I was shocked when I saw " Wrecking ball ", when I saw her naked completely hanging from a ball. I know I should expect it, but Jes

Speculoos cookies!

You guys know I've been obsessed with this video, Taste test! from Anthony and Kalel and ever since I've watched it, somehow new things, meals, cookies and all kinds of things were imported to Serbia and I saw the Speculoos cookies but it's different for us! The packaging at least. I really really wanted to try and I tried some mini cookies, they're all Belgian products I think. Also the mini cookies! For other countries I'm guessing this is how it looked like, also for Kalel & Anthony but for us no. For me, it looked like;  I already opened them here so and this is what they look like up close! They really do resemble doggy treats and I can say, they are REALLY sweet, you don't need any more dose of sugar in your whole day if you ate like ten of these or a box, but they're actually good! The more you eat the more you want to eat it. :3 It's really good. The mini cookies were AMAZING too.. My god, I ate two bag

Your penis is in the way

Two and a half men - 05x15 Charlie's at his shrink .

Hedgehog! ♡

Oh my god! We found a hedgehog in the yard! Oh my god! He was so freaking cute! :3 His noose... aaa! :3  I was scared to touch him at first, it seemed really really dangerous but no! He isn't at all that sharp or dangerous! he was all curled up and his eyes are closed from fear! I touched him and he just moved and curled up even more! It was so goddamn cute! His spines are actually really really soft and fragile.. You could easily break one but it'd hurt him.. Oh my goood. ♡ We let him go back in the grass and I'm sure he'll become mah friend! :3♡ I know he seems really like, he'd hurt you and I was scared too, but noo.. Just like every animal, if he feels threatened he'll react and fight back the only way he can,which is with spines.. I'm so happy! ♡

She's got broken things, where her heart should be

It was awesome! She's Got Broken Things, Where Her Heart Should Be (Long) Created by skiesofsunshine and taken 276 times on Bzoink

She won't let me go

There is a song, I would love to call it OUR song 'cause  she's the one who sent this to me and I freaking cried when she sent it and when I heard. I absolutely feel the SAME about her, the most beautiful words. By Avril, I won't let you go ... And I'm gonna do something, that makes me feel assured she won't ever. It's a little odd but I love it... ♡ When I'm falling , I'm crashing , when my fire has turned to ashes , when I'm screaming , my heart is bleeding , when I'm feeling like there's no reason , she won't let me go. No, she won't let me go . 'Cause when I'm all alone and it's cold and there's no one to hold,  when I'm feeling lost and there's nowhere, there's nowhere to go , when I'm feeling sad I won't forget I can reach for her hand.  When I'm feeling down I'll remember , she won't let me go.  ♡She won't let me go. ♡ ♡She won't let me go. ♡ When I'm to

My angel ♡

I broke down an hour ago... I started freaking out,I didn't know what to do, I cried, I panicked, I had no idea what to do and I only typed 4 words, "I need your help...". We haven't talked for awhile, even if we did it was short... but I turned to you and without a second thought you asked me what's wrong and told me I'm worrying you. Do you guys know who I am talking about? My best friend. I didn't even realize what an angel she was to me until it all had ended. I started freaking out, typing novels of how I felt, things I have been keeping in for months because I felt like I couldn't say it to anyone, that I was alone... I wrote paragraphs and paragraphs and even though she didn't say MUCH exact advices, she knew exactly what to say to calm me down without even knowing it... Yes, that does make sense to me. She calmed me down in a second and things we're okay.. There was no more confusion, no more pain or tears, I was just calm and I fe

Of my friends...

Of Your Friends... Created by ugliestduckling and taken 139531 times on Bzoink

Charlie's daughter!

Oh mah god! I just started watching season 11 in Two and a half men, and I can tell you... I'm not feeling it. ;P But! I found out, Charlie had a freaking daughter for the past 20 years! That's even before Alan showed up! Her name is Jenny I believe, if it's spelled that way. ^w^ She's exactly like Charlie.. I am so proud, but Alan is fucking pissing me off! -.- After season 5, he's just been a slimy, gay, kiss up bitch. -.- Berta is awesome still but without Charlie.. I don't know guys, I'm not feeling it. It might sound so crazy but I was LITERALLY obsessed with it, eveything was funny, episode after epsode, season after season, In one night I watch a whole season. ;w; I just ate lunch and I am talking to Alexander! :3 He's a friend a met last night! Marija introduced us! Them two are in the same class and she said we're lot alike so we met! He's coool and funny. Well, that's it.. But yeah! I will continue watchin'!

It's all because I love you

We don't talk for awhile, you're busy, I never have Internet, we can't reach each other at same times... I lose hope, with each day it get's harder to keep a brave face. I start falling and I ask myself what's it all worth, why am I waiting this long, what will I get with this, all I'm doing is waiting and wasting my time here! I get angry at myself and at you, I wanna yell at you and scream how you're using me and how you're never gonna decide! I stop thinking about your pain, mine becomes more important and much worse! You're not there through all of this.. I get angrier and sadder every time I see "Seen" and you didn't respond and I think you dissed me and that you don't give a shit about what was written! I make myself believe you're not worth it, I make myself believe I'm better off without you and how I'll be just fine! ... But then you respond... I wanna start an argument and diss you forever! But then you sa

Foods I'd like to try!

I've been watching 24Kitchen with mom and we were watching Rudolph's bakery and we were talking about things being TOO sweet, everything he makes! I hate too sweet things. It's ew! All the cakes he makes, cupcakes, lollipops, whatever, it's all too much and exaggerating. But I would love to try sushi! It sounds really gross since I hate seaweed, it's with some special sticky rise and raw fish.. It sounds gross but damn I would love to try it and possibly throw up! xD They look scary interesting but so gross. xD I'd also like to try all the kinds of Crabs, lobsters there are! Shrimp as well! Man I think shrimp would be so amazing. Just someone needs to show me how to eat that thing. From what I saw, you take things from it's nippers or pincers, however, claws and eat the meat. I believe it would be so juicy and awesome! Soft white meat!.. I'm drooling.. x3 Alsooo... Ok! I am obsessed for some reason watching WatchUsLiveAndStuff but

5 ways to win my heart!

1. By being open!  I don't mean like, 'rude open' or to reveal too much too soon but I'm usually very weird as soon as I meet someone. It's kind of a habit to let them see that side of me first and it usually makes people laugh. Don't be shy or make me feel like I'm making you uncomfortable (Unless you really are, but then you have to tell me so I stop). Be yourself, if you're weird be weird, sing, say what's on your mind, tell me your opinions without fear, I'll make you comfortable believe me. (: Just don't be afraid to tell me or worse, lie about it so you think it fits. So, honesty as well.  2. By having an open mind! This is where we stand from. I don't like superficial or limited people who only think in their own box they've made themselves about everything in the world and decided it's 100% right their way and they won't even hear others. With me, you'll see the way I think but you can't answer

How stereotypical I am.

How Stereotypical You Are... Created by uraverageteen and taken 59207 times on Bzoink

My converse!

I saw them and I absolutely love them!! I've always wanted them! I love them! I said I wanted the deep black ones and he got'em! But you can see that they even look big.. but they're original and I love them! I got so happy and my bag! It's so freaking cool! :D It's leather on the outside! I love them both! When I told Djole that the shoes we're a liil bigger he was like "Aww...damn.. Should I buy another pair? I can buy her!" and me and mom we're like NOOO! o.o Are you nuts! The shoes alone cost around 70 euros.. o.o Mom's costed almost 200 euroes. That's a lot of money for shoes dude! :D That's 60.000 dinara! :D I'm really glad! But anyway! It's winter soon so I will not be able to wear them. They'll get ruined right? As far as I know and I wouldn't risk anyway. Because of water. But I really love'em..! ^w^