This was an amazing day (& pictures)!

Haai everyone. My feet are fucking killing me! Me and mom just got back home from the mall Ušće.
It was so freaaking awesome! Today has been great, in great detail. Little things made me happy which surprises me.
First, in school, my teacher didn't grade our Chemistry test so that made me happy. I will get them on Wednesday.
I got this voucher at the end of 8th grade at the amount of $59. Which is 5,000 dinara for Gigatron! It's a computer store, check it out if you don't know about it. Anyway! I've always wanted headphones for music! Not those ear buds, but they're really expensive, like $30 and this was a great opportunity!
I had to spend ALL of the 60 dollars otherwise I don't get back my change if I don't, 'cause it's a voucher so mom bought herself an adapter for her hard drive or something? I don't know the right translation. We even had to step in like 7 dollars. :3
I can't show you sadly, I can't take good pictures of them but they're purple-black! They're really really awesome! I look like a hippy though with them but it's very cool!
I was really happy! We ate at McDonalds afterwards, talked and had fun! Some couple was sitting next to us and we were sort of eavesdropping.. ;_; They are together for 7 months! ;)

It's profile
From the back.. and McD in the back ofc
What really made my day so niice, is because, well you guys know I'm affected by the weather, but Christmassy time makes me happy.. Ornaments, decorations, Christmas trees and the mall was decorated..! It was soo nice!
These two! They're supposed to be deers.. I couldn't get a nice picture!:

On the first floor, there's THIS huge Christmas tree. It was soo beautiful. :3
These yellow thingies that are hanging above, they're for the Najlepše želje little chocolates we got this year! :3
"Štark" is the name of the company aand we have a candy store named "Soko štark!
Also! They had these "buildings" up.. Not sure why.. but they were really awesome! :D
The famous London clock!
Of course,we all know, the Eiffel Tower
A famous hotel in AbuDhabi. 
Something from Chicago... 
I don't know what the left one is called, I just know it's from Chicago!
It was all so beautiful! And I just found this clock very interesting and preeetty....

Isn't it preeetty? :3

THEN! Mom wanted to walk into Vulkan, which means Volcano, a bookstore!

This is exactly how it looks like when you start walking in! It's a really big bookstore and it has this, sort of children's section, with sort of like notebooks, coloring books and... stuffed animals!
I've always wanted them! I love stuffed animals! Buy me a stuffed animal and you just bought my heart. ^w^
No.. but something like that. I'm not like a baby or something, I just love having them. I don't really play with them or sleep with them.. but I just like having them to cuddle and watch. :3
So they always have really cute, fluffy, like, really really nice and soft plush.. I can't explain it. I'm sure you know what I mean...  I begged mom to buy it for me!
It's so freaaaking cuute! I got a puppy and a little bear.. :'3

D'aww..! It looks like he's completely smiling! ^w^
I know I'm so acting babyish and many of you will be like... Are you kidding me? Really..? You're in highschool, ditch the baby toys woman, but guuys...
I won't play with them or give them names.. I just loove having them, I love animals.
Aaah.. My feet are finally okey, they really really hurt and I'm SO sorry if you got to this far! It took soo much longer to write this, mostly because of the pictures, but to me, it was a really amazing day!
I was happy, I got some stuff I've always wanted and craved for.. Now I'm relaxing, waiting aaand.. that's it! Loving you all!


  1. Cookiz! Where did you hide the cookiz in these pics!?

    1. See all of these presents that are all over the place? Hunt them down, they're in one of the boxes. ;3

  2. Awww, next time, just hunt down dem cookiz and take screenies! A deer won't make me happy :3

    1. I'll try but it'll be a bit of a wait. But cookiz are worth it. n.n


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