13 friends!

Top 13 Friends
Created by lyss013 and taken 19 times on Bzoink
Name 13 Friends.
5:Luka R.
8:Matija Milivojevic
13:Luka P.
Let's Play Matchmaker
Would 1 and 10 be a good couple?:Noo. :c
Would 2 and 9 be a good couple?:No!
Would 3 and 8 be a good couple?:Noo! xD
Would 4 and 7 be a good couple?:Hell noo..
What about 5 and 6?:Maaybe.. :3
How about 11 and 12?:NO! Xd
What about you and 13? :Maaaybe.. I hope so :3
Have you ever kissed 13?:Pffft.. I wish.
What about 3?:Yes.
How do you know 12?:Through school ;3
How do you know 6?:^^ :3
What does 10 look like?:He's VERY tall! He has big ears and a nice smile :3
You have a one night stand with 4, how does it end?:We're back together... XD
Who have you had sex with on your top friends, and how was it?:With no one.
Does 1 like to drink?:No!
What does 11 do in their spare time?:Fb!
Where does 2 go to school? :He walks..?
How did you meet 1?:In middle school ;3
What about 12?:Highschool :3
What is your favorite memory of 7?:mmm. mcdonalds! ;3
What would happen if you got drunk with 5?:We'd become even closer friends. xd
Would you cuddle with 8?:I don't think so..
What about 13?:Yeaah.
Who, in your top friends, Have you dated? :2,34,
What does 11 want to be when they grow up?:Idk..
5 asked you out, what do you say? :Really?! ... Omg D:
What if 10 asked you out?:I'd say no..
What do you have in common with 9?:Almost everything :3
Has 6 ever pissed you off? :Noope.
Is 8 good looking?:yes!!
What kind of music does 1 like?:Classical -.-
Number 4 asked you out. What do you say?:Yeaah.
How did you meet 8? :Middle school ;3
Does 3 have a boyfriend or girlfriend?:Yes ;)
Would it work out with you and 10?:Mm nope.
You had sex with 7, what happened afterwards?:Oh god.. Xd
Have you ever had classes with 5?:Yes :3
When is the last time that you saw 13? What did you do?:Today! I smiled and told Bojana "There he is!". :3
What does 11 like to do in their spare time?:Asked..
Describe 12 in three words. :Good, beautiful, understanding.
How did you meet 6?:In Highschool :3
9 kissed you. Now what?:Oh weell.. i kiss her back!
What's the craziest thing you ever did with 2?:I'll get back to you...- 18:29.. Get tpgether and break up. ._.
You're trapped in a room with 5 for 24 hours. What would it be like?:Awkward... xD
11 tells you that have a secret crush on you. How do you react?:I'm sort of bumped 'cause I have to let him down.
Has 5 ever done any drugs?:Noo!
What annoys you about 2?:He doesn't smile..but I understand it!
Does 10 have any pets?:Mmm.. no.
What does 8 dress like?:Stylish :3
Do 13 and 4 know each other?:Noo.
What sort of books does 5 read?:He doesn't read books. XD
What kinds of movies does 8 like?:Idk..
Have you ever seen 12 naked?:No :D
7 wants to spend Saturday night with you. What do you do?:Suree! let's go wiiild :D
Where does 4 live?:US - Ohio :c
What about 5?:Two streets from me :3
Has 7 ever seen you naked?:No :D
What about 13?:Nooo!
Would you and 1 be a good couple?:Sure, if she was a dude :3
What about you and 12?:Yes x3
It's Halloween. What would 8 wear?:idk ;w;
Do 5 and 13 know each other?:Noppe :3
What about 1 and 12?:No
Does 6 have any piercings or tattoos?:Her ears.
You go to a rock concert with 6, who do you see?:Idk.. XD
Does 8 have any musical talent?:maybe :3
Describe 7 in three words. :Hot,nice,smart.
5 wants to have a 24 hour TV marathon with you, what do you watch?:Football!
Is 8 a good driver?:Maybee.
How long have you known 2?:Two years :3
Do you find 2 attractive? :Yes! Hot!
Does 5 find you attractive?:Yees! Hottiee!
Have you ever had a crush on 7?:JNo...
Does 8 have any hidden talents?:Maybe...
6 wants to write a novel. What would it be about?:She wouldn't.. XD
What would 13's class in Dungeons and Dragons be?:Idk O.o
What does 4 look like?:He's handsome, beautiful smile, small ears. ;3
How does 6 dress?:Classy ;3
Do you think 8 is good-looking?:Yees!
What color eyes does 12 have?:Like green ;3
Are you and 4 good friends?:Yes!
How long have you known 13 for?:A month or so.
How did you meet 3?:pewdiepie.net ;3
Do 1 and 2 know each other? :No
Which friends have you known the longest?:1,5, 8,9. ;3
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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