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Created by finnikins and taken 5861 times on Bzoink
If you were one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be?:The shy one! :3
Have you ever thrown popcorn at someone and then pretended it wasn't you?:Yeaaah :D
Have you ever flown first class?:No :c
Would you rather surf in California or ski in Vermont?:Surf :3
What is one topping you MUST have on your pizza?:I don't like pizza.
Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books?:Fiction :3
Would you rather read books or magazines?:Magazines..
Have you ever seen a shooting star?:Yes. ;3
Have you ever had your cheek pinched by a relative?:Yeaah ._.
Have you ever torn your pants in public?:yes D:
Do you know how a bill is passed in Congress?:From Legally Blonde only xD
Do you know the difference between a conjunction and an adjective?:Yeah o.o
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?:Two.
Do you chew on ice?:No?O.O
Do you watch TV or read before bedtime?:Tv.
Are you allergic to anything?:Nopee.
How many times a week do you wash your hair?:2.
Do you own any plaid pants?:No
Have you ever been in a natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc.)?:Noo, thank the alien.
Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back?:No o.o
Have you ever touched a live chicken?:Yes x3
What about a live turkey?:Noo
Do you sleep in pajamas?:No :3
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?:No ;w;
Did you just try it?:No XD
What is the opposite of a hamburger?:Cow. xD
Do you talk in your sleep?:Sometimes...
Have you ever played in the rain?:No o.o
Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean?:No.
If you didn't have any bread, what would you use to spread butter on bread?:Whaat?
Have you ever swallowed your gum?:Yes. :3
Have you ever been ice fishing?:Nopee.
Where is the most inappropriate place your cell phone has rang?:Church I guess.
Have you ever called 911 by accident?:No.
Have you ever gone white water rafting?:I've never heard of that.
Have you ever faked sick?:Yes, as little.
How many times have you broken a bone?:Never.
Can you do a flip on a trampoline?:Yes :3
Have you ever surfed?:No D:
Have you ever fallen off a horse?:Noo, but I'd like to ride!
Have you ever had anyone tell you that your fly was open?:Yees ._.
Have you ever successfully pogoed on a pogo stick?:I don't know what that is ;w;
Do you eat breakfast?:I guess?
Would you rather shave your head or stop talking for a year?:Shave my head.
Have you ever sleepwalked?:No.
Can you flip your eyelids up?:Yes o.o
Are you double-jointed?:Nope.
Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair?:Yees -.-
Have you ever thrown up after a rollercoaster ride?:It wasn't a roller coaster.
Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?:No ;w;
Can you pick things up with your toes?:No x3
Did you just try to do it?:No :D
How many foreign countries have you visited?:None..
Would you rather clean the bathroom or the kitchen?:Kitchen.
Have you ever jammed a puzzle piece into a puzzle to "make it fit"?:No o.o
Would you blow your nose at the dinner table?:Maybe XD
Have you ever slipped in the bathtub?:Yesss, it hurt!
Have you ever locked yourself out of your house?:Yess! XD
Have you ever made a semi truck honk?:No.
Would you prefer to go through life with a huge nose or crossed eyes?:Ew... Nose.
Would you rather jump into a dumpster or a vat of honey?:Idk.. Dumpster maybe.. Honey is ickyyy and sticky.
What is your favorite breed of dog?:Golden Retriever :3
Have you ever licked the tip of a ballpoint pen?:Yes o.o
Have you ever eaten frog legs?:Eww!
Your absolute favorite shirt is dirty. Would you still wear it?:No...
Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole?:Yes D:
Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?:Yes :D
What did you call your baby blanket?:I never had one.
Have you ever worn bell-bottoms?:No o.o
Guys: Have you ever been in the ladie's room?:-
Girls: Have you ever been in the men's room?:All the time :D
Have you ever smelled your own feet?:Nooo... Yes. D:
Did you just smell them?:No O>o
Have you ever broken a mirror?:Yes.
Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie in the theater?:Yess.. Alvin and the chipmunks. xD
Have you ever bathed a dog?:Yeeaah, fun :D
Have you ever used a slingshot?:No.
Have you ever gotten something stuck up your nose?:Yess eww!
Have you ever sucked your thumb?:Yes, as a little kid!
Can you read while travelling without getting sick?:Yes :3
~~Goofy stuff~~
Why did the chicken cross the road?:Yesterday ;3
How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?:4570765 :3
Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?:Never...
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?:Idk D:
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