
Showing posts from December 20, 2012

Fair on Saturday! ♡

Yes! I just might go! With my best friend and other friends from school. ;3 We'll go on those rides... god, Christina would make me escape from jail even though there's a big posibilty they'll take us back. xD She's an adventurer!  She would do anything once! Except drugs and that other shit. :) We'll have money with us and it'll be fun! I am a bit sad i am not going to my moms place though...but i'll see her during the week! ...My parents are divorced. c: I am not upset by it, i'm used to it. They've been for the past 4 years. :) Oh! Did i mention my nephew is a boy...? I didn't did i? xD Sorry, the name for me is self-explantary but i guess for you no? xD Well they're both boys! I haven't seen either of them... Luka is at the hospital for a thingy... and Andrija is with his mom. She's getting out today! If there aren't any complications! I can't wait for both! The fair and my nephews! <3