
Showing posts from November 3, 2013

She won't let me go

There is a song, I would love to call it OUR song 'cause  she's the one who sent this to me and I freaking cried when she sent it and when I heard. I absolutely feel the SAME about her, the most beautiful words. By Avril, I won't let you go ... And I'm gonna do something, that makes me feel assured she won't ever. It's a little odd but I love it... ♡ When I'm falling , I'm crashing , when my fire has turned to ashes , when I'm screaming , my heart is bleeding , when I'm feeling like there's no reason , she won't let me go. No, she won't let me go . 'Cause when I'm all alone and it's cold and there's no one to hold,  when I'm feeling lost and there's nowhere, there's nowhere to go , when I'm feeling sad I won't forget I can reach for her hand.  When I'm feeling down I'll remember , she won't let me go.  ♡She won't let me go. ♡ ♡She won't let me go. ♡ When I'm to

My angel ♡

I broke down an hour ago... I started freaking out,I didn't know what to do, I cried, I panicked, I had no idea what to do and I only typed 4 words, "I need your help...". We haven't talked for awhile, even if we did it was short... but I turned to you and without a second thought you asked me what's wrong and told me I'm worrying you. Do you guys know who I am talking about? My best friend. I didn't even realize what an angel she was to me until it all had ended. I started freaking out, typing novels of how I felt, things I have been keeping in for months because I felt like I couldn't say it to anyone, that I was alone... I wrote paragraphs and paragraphs and even though she didn't say MUCH exact advices, she knew exactly what to say to calm me down without even knowing it... Yes, that does make sense to me. She calmed me down in a second and things we're okay.. There was no more confusion, no more pain or tears, I was just calm and I fe

Of my friends...

Of Your Friends... Created by ugliestduckling and taken 139531 times on Bzoink

Charlie's daughter!

Oh mah god! I just started watching season 11 in Two and a half men, and I can tell you... I'm not feeling it. ;P But! I found out, Charlie had a freaking daughter for the past 20 years! That's even before Alan showed up! Her name is Jenny I believe, if it's spelled that way. ^w^ She's exactly like Charlie.. I am so proud, but Alan is fucking pissing me off! -.- After season 5, he's just been a slimy, gay, kiss up bitch. -.- Berta is awesome still but without Charlie.. I don't know guys, I'm not feeling it. It might sound so crazy but I was LITERALLY obsessed with it, eveything was funny, episode after epsode, season after season, In one night I watch a whole season. ;w; I just ate lunch and I am talking to Alexander! :3 He's a friend a met last night! Marija introduced us! Them two are in the same class and she said we're lot alike so we met! He's coool and funny. Well, that's it.. But yeah! I will continue watchin'!

It's all because I love you

We don't talk for awhile, you're busy, I never have Internet, we can't reach each other at same times... I lose hope, with each day it get's harder to keep a brave face. I start falling and I ask myself what's it all worth, why am I waiting this long, what will I get with this, all I'm doing is waiting and wasting my time here! I get angry at myself and at you, I wanna yell at you and scream how you're using me and how you're never gonna decide! I stop thinking about your pain, mine becomes more important and much worse! You're not there through all of this.. I get angrier and sadder every time I see "Seen" and you didn't respond and I think you dissed me and that you don't give a shit about what was written! I make myself believe you're not worth it, I make myself believe I'm better off without you and how I'll be just fine! ... But then you respond... I wanna start an argument and diss you forever! But then you sa