
Showing posts from December 15, 2013


Everyday, day, day I fall for you a little mo-o-ore. And every night, night, night I dream of you so beautifu-u-ul. Every time we laugh I see the sparks flying. Every time you blush I feel those butterflies.  Baby how we feel will always be in style forever and ever. This love is never gonna fade. We are timeless. We are timeless. My heart will never ever change. We are timeless. We are timele-e-ess and we're gonna la-a-ast.  Our love will always feel this way. We are timeless!  We are timeless...! Just 'cause it's a sweet short song. :3

You taught me everything I know about having a line of retreat open

You taught me everything I know about having a line of retreat open; Created by hektor and taken 670 times on Bzoink

She's So Hot... BOOM!

She's So Hot...BOOM! Created by daizy62 and taken 93 times on Bzoink