
Showing posts from January 13, 2014

Top 5 ppl

Top 5 peoples Created by jesikamahri and taken 180 times on Bzoink Top 8:: 1.: Poroner 2.: Mary 3.: Kristina 4.: Michael 5.: Alex

A deer in the meadow

I was bored waiting for my dad to come back home and I honestly, I'm not kidding here, I wasn't feeling like sitting for the computer so, I decided to draw something. I wanted to draw an animal, 'cause I don't even like to practice humans and I took a deer shot!  It turned out QUITE well for my first time... Ok, I had some help with the body, 'cause I have the body on one of my notebooks but I still mostly drew the pose by myself and face! I'm proud of it. :3 I am so proud of it's face. I mostly like how I drew the ears. It's legs are all bent out of shape but it's fine for my first time. I didn't want to stop there so I thought of drawing a sort of meadow/park thing behind it... This is what I have so far;   That little thing in the back is supposed to be kind of like a half-circle wooden bridge that I know I need to work on but there is where I got stuck as well.  I don't want to give up on it so I'm going to keep t

Religion and a sprinkle of homosexuality

I am seriously pissed off at the moment. For two reasons that caught my attention just now when Alex took his survey. For him, who is probably reading this, I suggest you don't continue 'cause we don't agree on this and I am just sharing out MY opinion. (READ TILL THE END IF YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION OF PARTICIPATING IN THE CONVERSATION) What's this thing about people thinking homosexuality being a sickness or a disease? A disease?! Are you just hearing yourself? Are you fucking real right now? I'm sorry if I seem like I'm hating on people who do find it as that, but let's be real, I kinda am. You cannot say, you cannot say that you're okay with having friends with a different sexual group than you and say they shouldn't be respected 'cause it's a disease. People who said this will understand. You cannot do that, that is just pure discrimination of the person. I will not get into the fact if it as a ''disease'' or not, you&#

Day 13; Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.

I don't have piercings, much less tattos. But I think Americans find ear piercing in that category, obviously, but not even that. I used to, to like, 3 years ago but I didn't and don't like to wear earrings so I never did and my wholes just shut down on themselves. At least the back whole... Get your mind out of the gutter, no I'm not talking about my front or my anus, Jesus. ._.  I mean the whole on the back of my ear, geez. Other than that, nothing.  But on a side note, if we're talking about jewelry, I'm gonna say I absolutely love necklaces and rings. Maybe bracelets but I'm very very very picky on there, it has to be a specific kind for me to like it.  The only problem there is that I cannot wear bijouterie (Imitated jewelry), that leaves green, rusty stains on my skin 'cause the color wears off. People call that allergy but It's not a real one, I just can't wear them while many people can. It has to have a little bit of silver or go

Have I ever... with a guy

Have you ever...with a guy Created by lovebug88 and taken 1834 times on Bzoink