Of my friends...

Of Your Friends...
Created by ugliestduckling and taken 139531 times on Bzoink
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
2.:Kristina ♡
4.:Poroner ♡
5.:Alex ♡
6.:Matija ♡
7.:Pontu ♡
8.:Pasi ♡
9.:Nikola ♡
10.:Kevin ♡
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?:Ever since first grade :3
Have you been to 8's house?:Nu ;w;
Do you like 6?:As a friend, a lot :3
Are 4 and 10 friends?:Noo..
Have you been to 3's house?:Man ;w;
Would you ever live with 5?:I don't think so. :D
When was the last time you talked to 4?:Like, half an hour ago? x3
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?:Noo :D
How about 8 and 10?:No! They're not gay :3
Have you ever dreamt about 2?:Yes <3>
Have you ever slept with 9?:Nooo..!!
Is 7 attractive?:Handsome :3
Do you love 4?:I do :3
Would you ever cuddle with 1?:Yes but we're not cuddlers, either of us so, we'd just hug :3
Would you ever kiss 3?:YES!
What do you like best about 6?:He's not like other guys.
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?:No, Yes♡,No, No, No.
Do you ever wish you never met 3?:Nononono.
How did you meet 5?:Last night, thru Marija, over skype. :3
Has 2 seen you naked?:Yes ;w;
Have you seen 2 naked?:Yes! :3
Who is taller? 5 or 10?:I think 5!
Have you met 4's family?:No ;w;
Would you ever go out with 3?:Yes, many times over. ♡
Do you think 7 is funny?:Maybe x3
What about 6?:Not really.
Where was the last place you went with 1?:McDonalds! :3
When was the last time you hung out with 2?:A long time ago :c
Where do you want to take 3?:To a church. <3>
When do you want to see 4?:As soon as possible over skype!
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?:Noo!
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?:No!
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?:No!
Would you let 3 have your baby?:Oh my god, yes. :3
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?:No :)
Has 1 ever told you a secret?:I think so..
Would you runaway with 6?:I don't think so, maybe if he asked. xD
Who was the last person 9 kissed?:I'm not sure, his last gf? D:
Who was the last person 7 hugged?:Idk ;w;
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?:"Cookiz!" :3
Does 6 make you laugh?:Sometimes.
Does 2 ever annoy you?:Nah <3>
When did you last call 4?:Never D:
Do you ever talk to 3 online?:Yees ♡
What about 2?:Yees!
Does 10 smell bad?:I don't think he does!
Does 1 smell nice?:Im sure she does! :3
Are 1 and 8 friends?:Nope :3
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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