
Showing posts from November 27, 2013

13 friends!

Top 13 Friends Created by lyss013 and taken 19 times on Bzoink Name 13 Friends. 1: Mary 2: Thanasis 3: Houston 4: Michael 5: Luka R. 6: Bojana 7: Hristina 8: Matija Milivojevic 9: Kristina 10: Alex 11: David 12: Jelena 13: Luka P.

A few childhood memories

Psycho reminded me of some.. and I just thought it'd be cute to share. :3 Okay, first on my list was, I wasn't VERY little but I was a lot younger than now. It was like maybe 3rd grade, so I was what, 9? :3 My dad works in shifts and mom works in a firm, so her schedule is always the same. Through 7am to 3pm. When dad would work the 1st shift, he leaves before mom, around 5am. Since I was a hyperactive child, I usually never slept or I woke up early because I slept the whole day before.. and I would ask dad for school money. My parents never had small bills, always gave me at least 5 or sometimes 10 dollars (That's either 500 or 1000 dinara) which is A LOT. I'd hide the money and when mom would wake up, she's ask if dad gave me money and I'd say No. >;3 Sounds like I was a little meanii as a child but noo.. It was cute to them too. :3 Also! I used to write on our white walls with mom's make-up... Like the first 3 times, I ruin all of it! I didn