
Showing posts from July 21, 2013

LIVE: Streaming for: CharityWater

Lets go! Its still going on only the chat isnt working! Come on, let's make Pewds broke :33

Take me!

Take Me! Created by bathed-in-shame and taken 115 times on Bzoink You... love...: Houston, Michael, Kristina, Marija, many people. <3 crave...: For food :( feel...: Eh, more or less. want...: Marija to answer :D miss...: my nails :C dislike...: Lies strongly dislike...: Injustice. must...: Drink coke now. :3 have...: Coke :3 see...: My cat in my lap :3 need...: to eat touch...: The mouse :3 cherish...: Coke <3 watch...: rebelde :3 Mommy says I have good manners.. How are you doing?: Im alright. :) Is the world treating you nicely?: Most of it :D Are you happy that you're living?: Nope. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday. Did you shed "tears of joy"?: Nope. Hey. Random question. Do you like Matchbook Romance?: Do I like what? That's dandy. Next time I get off topic, you can just hit me. Cool?: Cool ;) Just becasue I'm breathing, it doesn't mean i'm alive I love the smell of ketchup? What's your favorit