
Showing posts from October 13, 2012

Long-distance relationships.

Long Distance Relationships.   Why i want to talk about this topic, because i am having some friends just getting into these sort's of relationships and when hard times come, they have no idea what to do or start coming with conclusions of ending it right away and somehow i can't get them to understand when i say it all in once. Long-distance relationships are obviously harder than real, 'normal' relationships. There are a few ways of thinking and looking at them. Every way has it's own good and bad side. Of course, there are the skeptical kind of people. Who don't believe in this sort of relationship. Think similar to this sentence; "That sort of relationship isn't real. It's just a twist of hope and dreams. It can't get you anywhere and it's a waste of time. You can't kiss each other, you can't see each other and people who are in love need that". Of course there is that kind, that will always discourage the ones tha