
Showing posts from January 3, 2014

Christmas hoodie!

Hellow everyone. Feeling kinda down right now to be honest. I just realized today is January 3rd and in four days it's January 7th... Not yey. It occurred to me Houston is going to leave in 4 days for the Air Force and he'll be gone for two and a half months completely. :c But though! There is one thought that's been keeping me very much up the whole 'morning' (I woke up at 11:30, so like, 3 hours passed, it's still morning for me, haha)! We were talking last night, or well early this morning and I mentioned I would love to have his hoodie. It's really awesome, its completely black with those white thingies around your hood, but it looks really amazing on him! He was like, ''Well I COULD send it to you...''. I got excited but I don't want him too at the same time. I don't want to take it away from him 'cause I would use it around my house and maybe even sleep in it. It'd be really big for me, like, maybe two sizes up away fr

Hey baby, you're a sweet young thing--still tied to Mommy's apron strings.

Hey baby, you're a sweet young thing--still tied to Mommy's apron strings. Created by yourheaventonight and taken 495 times on Bzoink

Day 3; A picture of you and your friend

I am nervous about this one. I have photos with a few friends, but only two I can show. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post one in which all of my friends are in it which I don't have, or have multiple photos. I don't believe how sad this is, I don't have photos with my best friends. Actually, with Mary I do but I don't know if I have her permission to post them, SO, if she lets me, I will edit it out tomorrow. Until then, I will have to post with my 'new' friend. :3 I don't think I can show more than this... ;_; Maybe tomorrow with Mary! Plus, I know she'll be so picky about which picture I can post if she approves in the first place. x3 Keep in mind this is a really old photo. ;_; But she's the cutest! Kristina! Bojanaa♥