
Showing posts from February 22, 2014


�Countdown� Created by lbp116 and taken 89 times on Bzoink ♦10 Things That Are In Your Room♦ 1.: My big bed! 2.: Laptop! 3.: Books 4.: Posters 5.: My closet 6.: A lot of color pencils! A lot! 7.: A framed flower picture! 8.: Chips 9.: Earphones 10.: My phone ♦9 Of Your Favorite Movies♦ 1.: Lord of the rings trilogy :3 2.: The Hobbit (soon to be) trilogy :3 3.: Dirty Dancing! 4.: Cyberbully 5.: Ghost 6.: Shrek trilogy 7.: Lion King! 8.: 101 Dalmations 9.: Scooby Doo :3 ♦8 Of Your Favorite Bands♦ 1.: Breaking Benjamin 2.: Hollywood Undead 3.: Simple Plan 4.: RED 5.: For all those sleeping 6.: Backstreet Boys 7.: Evanescence 8.: Three days grace ♦7 Favorite Songs♦ 1.: Well fuck...At the moment.. The douche song! 2.: Black Dahlia 3.: Show me the meaning of being lonely 4.: You don't see me 5.: You suck at love 6.: Far away 7.: Anthem of the angels ♦ 6 Favorite Lyrics♦ 1.: 'You aren't alone, just know that I