
Showing posts from October 26, 2013

My hero

I realized a few things.. Please read until the end if you're interested, but I realized that I am an atheist but there Is one thing I am quite fond of believing in and it makes more sense to me to believe in it - .Greek mythology. I won't get into that, but I've been thinking, you know how everyone has an idol? Or their own hero they look up to? I think I found mine. Achilles.   Achilles is a mythical hero from all I know from this point of view and this century but I believe he was real. He was a half-god or demigod, because his mother Thetis was a nymph but his father wasn't. Peleus, he was a king ONLY I think… I love the way Achilles is. He never accepted someone rolling over him, telling him what to do, how and when to do it. Also known as Agamemnon. He was his own ruler, he believed in himself, his choices and decisions, his moves,  his sword and his shield. He was an atheist as well as me. If anyone's going to punish him for killing a priest, it wil

12 friends

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