
Showing posts from January 6, 2014

Day 6; Tell us about your pets, the ones you've had and lost

Okay this is really really tough. I've had pets my whole entire life. Literally... Okay, for the most, I can remember before my 5th year, we had two parrots. Their story is actually kind of sad... They were called Кики and Фића. Boyfriend and girlfriend, they adored each other. They had two little adorable swings, his was blue, her's was red. They bathed each other, it was amazing. One day, my mom accidentally left their cage open, but she was new so she didn't know. He stayed in but she flew out and got out... She died. Фића was devistated. He called for her every single night, all day, he didn't want to eat or drink anything. He never got off her red swing, he never wanted to come out of the cage. We didn't know what to do, I cried almost every day. His cries for her were so heart breaking... We got him a new parrot but they didn't get along. He didn't let her stand on her swing, they fought every single day. We let her go and he died in sorrow... :( We