
Showing posts from August 17, 2013

Two years - Poroner.

This may sound SO stupid to some of you like, wtf, what does she remember, like it's even important. Who does that, who keeps track... but like I said many times if you recognize the nickname from the title, that guy left a HUGE impact on my life & heart. Two years ago today, I met him. I wish I knew the exact time but it was on I can honestly say, the day my life turned around in every possible aspect. I don't like I know it to be honest... There's a huge difference between remembering something on purpose and just not forgetting something. You don't forget your feelings of your first kiss but you don't try to remember them, you don't force it, it just never fades out of your memory... Many things are like that with friends and love. I just didn't forget, I remember everything, but I don't honestly like I do from this point of view. I've known him for two years and maybe max 5 or 6 months have I talked to him, and I miss