
Showing posts from January 25, 2013

It's easier when it's you who's talking and not feeling!

I don't like when i read tweets or hear people say, "Life is one, live it how you should" and all that crap when you're depressed or upset. Yeah, you're right but you're fucking annoying. Don't you think we all know that? But it's fucking easier to say it than do it. You have no idea how much you have to give up to have a mind like that, you have to not give a shit even about the things that make you happy. If that makes sense. It's fucking bullshit for people who are at that moment depressed. There is no point in telling a depressed person it's going to be okay. There's not much you can say, only do. And that's be there for'em. I hate those, "Life is one! There's no time for pain!". Life is pain. Life is happiness also. I really do understand that people who do say that mean well and want to help, but i hate when people push it, or worse, leave you when you say it over  100 times and you still try but fail.


I miss my friend, i do. Every day. <3 The first song he ever sent me. The first time he showed me he actually cared for me, for a stranger. I'll never forget that and how i cried.

Fun day!

Yesterday! :3 I went out with Christina and 3 other friends to watch a movie! We watched The Hobbit in 3D! :D It was so awesome! We again ended up talking like 2 hours into the movie and almost didn't see the end. xD Oh well, it was a fine movie i guess. :) But now i understand how Bilbo even had the ring with him. :D It was awesome, we watched the movie and then we went on some cool 4D rides. I can't explain but you sit and it's like you're having a rolercoaster ride in either a mine or some space thing. xD Itwas awesome, it did cost 250dinara but meh, it was fun! :3 Christina, Milica and me went on that. Tijana couldn't spend more money. :) We went out to fool around with clothes, Christina got very bored and it seemed like she was mad at the ending 'cause Milica, Tijana and me made plans but i asked her and she said she was ok. I saw she wasn't but when we all got home i called her and she just felt sort of weird, neither she could explain but! :3 It