
Showing posts from December 1, 2012


Yeah, i was thinking about it. My dad has this colleague at work that's in the middle of adoption. My mom, him and me were having dinner on Friday i think and we elaborated on the subject. My dad said something that kept me thinking. I mean, when we just hear the word "adoption", it doesn't feel that good. At least to some. You momentarily think about kids being left alone in orphanages. But when you think about it... the word adoption is wonderful. There are so many kids in one orphanage that can't wait for the day people that work there say that a family wants to adopt them. People think it's an honor to adopt and get adopted. And i somehow agree. Of course, i hate the fact of just leaving your child, but also understand if it was a mistake and you just didn't have a choice or conditions to raise it. I hate people who know they wouldn't have conditions but don't watch out anyway. That is just reckless and gross. You ruin your own life and the