
I usually have nightmares when it comes to dreams.
My dreams usually consist of either abnormal things that describe the things that are bothering me or stressing me out, or they are random and some inverted situation of how I'd like things to be.
It's kind of confusing.
To be honest, I very rarely dream anything, but when I do, it's a cycle and it has a reason.
For me, it rarely happens that after a bad day, I dream anything or have a nightmare though that has happened if It upset me really bad.
Usually, I don't dream anything until bad things repeatedly happen or the stress keeps on growing or moving onto the next day and the next, you get what I'm saying?
Me being me, I keep the stress in and I don't cry, I don't let it out except for the usual methods; To take it out on the people that get across my path even though they don't deserve it but I tend to control that.
If the stress keeps growing and moving on and I don't do anything, there will come a point where I want to explode but I still don't, I have a nightmare for it. My dream consist of inverted situations putting together everything and everyone that has made me upset. Sometimes even more than needed.
If through everything I have a fight with my mom, I can freaking dream I killed her or something, it's sometimes excessive. And usually the next day I break down.

When this is not happening, I get those semi-normal dreams, weird and sexual ones.
Weird as in, one minute I'm in a bathroom and the next I'm in space or something. That was just an example but you know those. xD

Sexual dreams -

I don't get OFTEN but when I start getting them, It turns to like, freaking 3 times in a row.
It might sound great but not when you dream of a friend, teacher or anything similar!
I once dreamed Angel and her boyfriend having sex on the couch, just, it's freaking disturbing.
I'm not saying, I've had sex dreams I liked and with people I liked but that was luck. I can't control them really, so when the not liking part happens, ew. ;_;

Something that concerns me; Killing dreams

A few years ago, I think like 3, I had a quick nightmare that my dad killed me.
It was like a scene from a horror movie.
You could see a closed shower approaching and I'm in there showering and you see my dad holding a knife and he stabbed me to death. All you can see is blood afterwards spraying all around.
EVER SINCE, every time I dream of someone killing me, it's always the same way, the same dream, just with a different face. It really worries me, but I don't think it means anything. I don't know what it is and I tried to google it up, I didn't find answers. So.. do you have any comments?
It'd help. It doesn't happen at all often but when it does, it really freaks me out.

A thing that I just realized. It usually happens after something BAD happens, meaning when I get hurt.
I can't remember what was happening 3 years ago when my dad appeared in the dream, but I did have it when Mike and I broke up, when my sister made a problem with Mladen (our friend) and I felt betrayed... For many more examples but I don't want to write them all.
Maybe it has a meaning or something.
Just like I have nightmares when stress comes along, maybe this shower, STABBING me means I felt betrayed? Like someone did stab me in the back or something.

I MIGHT be exaggerating, it could be just a dream really. I might be over thinking but it really freaks me out. 


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