
Showing posts from December 27, 2013

Goodnite (with some more info)

Yeah, this is a miracle. I am going to bed before Alex is, do you know what this means guys? And on a Friday... But I do have a reason though! My mom and grandmother are going to the market tomorrow and they'll be back around 11, they have to wake me up and since I'm a lazy ass bitch, I'll linger and stall away in my bed and I have to eat breakfast, take a good shower, then blow-dry, CURL my hair once more, help mom with some final decorating (By the way, I'll show you some picture tomorrow night, or on Sunday!) And awesome, just now I am finding out the movie theater has changed the time schedule of the movies... Turns out we'll have to go at 17:20 which isn't a problem at all. Originally it was 16:50. xD Anyway! Yeah. Oh my god, this dude is shocking me by the minute. He wants to pay for my tickets and one ticket costs $8.20 dollars, I think with the 3D glasses... It's still a lot. Both of ours is $15.21 dollars. I feel bad. ;_; He's paying for

Top 5 guy friends

*Top 5 guy friends* Created by hanikamiya411 and taken 1129 times on Bzoink

School is officially over

I forgot to mention winter break started today! It was a great day at school. We should've had five classes. English, Serbian class, Civil class, Chemistry and PE. My English teacher pissed me off 'cause she gave me a B after grades like this; {A,A,A, B,B,A}. NOT FAIR.  Serbian class was pretty boring, 'cause she made us write and she taught and lectured. Civil class was of course, as freaking always, awesome. We talked, mostly about school 'cause it was our last class this semester and it was cool! Chemistry was quite as awesome, we didn't do anything. We asked our teacher nicely not to make us do anything and she was like, "We can't just stare at each other...I can either reassess us or we could've done tasks", we were like, Well can we just do nothing? and she was like, Yeah, sure. :3 So the whole class, and it was little of us today, so it was a real chill class. After that, we should've had PE but the teacher let us go, so we ha

I really want to leave to moms

I really do.. I don't know why. I'm actually getting ready. :3 And of course, 2& 1/2 Men is in the background. Hold on..! Ok I'm ready! I really really need to wash my hair, for tomorrow as well. Gad! I'm so excited for the movie tomorrow! The Hobbit; The desolation of Smaug! Gad gad gad! It will be so fun! I will eat like a freaking pig as Alex stares at me and hopes I won't start opening my mouth towards him to swallow him... I won't! But he'll think I'm a damn pig. Oh well... it's better to know me now, than be disappointed later. Marbles is sleeping right next to me, I have no idea where Kooky went. I'll drink coke nao a little bit and theen, head off to moms!