A few childhood memories

Psycho reminded me of some.. and I just thought it'd be cute to share. :3

Okay, first on my list was, I wasn't VERY little but I was a lot younger than now. It was like maybe 3rd grade, so I was what, 9? :3 My dad works in shifts and mom works in a firm, so her schedule is always the same. Through 7am to 3pm. When dad would work the 1st shift, he leaves before mom, around 5am.
Since I was a hyperactive child, I usually never slept or I woke up early because I slept the whole day before.. and I would ask dad for school money. My parents never had small bills, always gave me at least 5 or sometimes 10 dollars (That's either 500 or 1000 dinara) which is A LOT.
I'd hide the money and when mom would wake up, she's ask if dad gave me money and I'd say No. >;3
Sounds like I was a little meanii as a child but noo.. It was cute to them too. :3

Also! I used to write on our white walls with mom's make-up... Like the first 3 times, I ruin all of it! I didn't stop until i ruined every single bit of make-up she had in her little bag. ;_;
All eyeshadows would be broken and into pieces and over my fingers, all lipsticks broken or written with on the walls! I drew people or hearts... Every mascara opened and water-full.. every eye pencil or pencil was broken in half.. ;w;
I know almost all kids do this but the cutest part is when mom get's home, I say nothing and put everything back, even broken bits and she opens them and yells at me and I'm like.. "I didn't do it.." and put on a baby smile, but my hands, face and arms we're covered in eyeshadow and black lines from the pencils. ^w^

I know mom broke my favorite plate!
I had this Winnie The Pooh plate that had 3 sectors! Like in the movies for a baby. The beans part, steak and some potatoes. In 3 places.. It was my favorite and she freakin' stepped on it! I cried then and till' this day she says sorry for that.. She promised me she'd buy me a new one and i still don't have one..
I don't know what I'd do with it now.. but unpaid bills must be paid! >;c

Mmm... I remember I was eating sunflower seeds! PEOPLE! This may seem soo dumb but I was 7! I was 7! I used to LOVE sunflower seeds (still do) but we had these, really salty ones, they were bad quality but delicious! After like 3 bags of eating, your tongue get's numb and sometimes you'd get blisters from the filth... o.e .. You can't wash'em!
And it didn't stop me! I bought 5 baggies... 4! 4! I sat down and cleaned and cleaned..and cleaned... (I used to love to clean the hull and THEN eat the seeds) and cleaned and cleaned.. I didn't feel my tongue anymore but I thought, it'd be worth it! it's delicious!
..I cleaned and put the hull pile next to the seeds... mom didn't see, it was dark.. she was cleaning. It was 3 whole bags cleaned... mom took it all and threw it in the trash...
TILL THIS DAY it hurts. D: She started saying sorry, sorry, sorry, dad was like, "You threw away her seeds she's been cleaning for an hour now!".. I wanted to crryy, my tongue was dead.
She threw it! just like that!
But hard working me... I started all over again. :3 I didn't quit! And ever since, mom always asks me twice if she can throw baggies away. XD


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