
Showing posts from February 1, 2014


Let me start off by saying that I am the kind of person that will lose interest in things that everyone is raving about too much and too hard. One of the reasons I didn't like Minecraft or Diablo, I just got sick of them after awhile, no matter how truly GOOD the game is. I feel like people get fangirly over games and shows just as Bieber's fans are; It get's really annoying. It's such an ignorant thing to do I know, but I'm sorry, I don't like it. I will in spite dislike it.  Which leads me to another point. I know next to nothing about the Pokémon game or about Pokemons in general after 2003-5 maybe. All the Pokémon I truly know and that were in the show THEN were like, Pikachu of course, Charmander, Charizard,Squirtle, Clefairy, JigglyPuff and many more but from the 700 there are now, I know less than 100 truly. I used to love and watch the show when I was little and I remember very few things about it. I only know Ash and maybe a few characters. But

Infatuated cat lover

I can't get over their cuteness, of kitties or animals in general. I truly don't understand people who just plainly don't like animals at all. I don't get that logic and I will never be able to understand what goes inside someone's mind when they see something as so innocent and pure and just fucking adorable as a kitten, puppy, penguin, hedgehog, a little freaking mouse, not a rat, a mouse, a porpoise, guinea pig...  I understand that someone doesn't like inscets or animals like snakes. Those may be somehow majestic in their own twisted way but they are animals that should be feared to a certain level, but a kitten?  How much of a cold heart can you have to not at least feel compassion for a kitten? MANY people don't like grown adult cats and I can I GUESS understand that, but I have a friend who said he doesn't like cats at all, they even scare him! He was afraid of my cats as well and he like, ran away from them practically and they felt it.