She's got broken things, where her heart should be

It was awesome!

She's Got Broken Things, Where Her Heart Should Be (Long)
Created by skiesofsunshine and taken 276 times on Bzoink
What's your name?:Marija. :)
What time is it right now?:12:52 :3
When were you born?:Serbia!
Who are you closest to in your family?:Maybe mom..
What is the closest green item to you?:A cap of a deodorant. xd
Would you rather text people or talk to them on the phone?:Text.
What program on your computer do you use the most?:Program? Idk ;w;
Do you have a cat?:Here at moms no, at home 5. :3
What is your middle name backwards?:I don't have a middle name.
How often do you visit this website?:Every weekend, sometimes during the week.
Are you a good speller?:Yes. c:
Are you good at baking cupcakes?:I've never tried actually..
Do you currently have a job?:Nope.
What year did you/will you graduate in?:2016.
Do you have your drivers liscence?:Not yet.
Does it take you long to fall asleep at night?:Sometimes, yes.
Do you think other people consider you a flirt?:...Yeah.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?:From 10, to 20 minutes.
Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?:No.
Do you smoke pot?:No.
Who is your hero in life?:Achilles maybe.
What is your favorite breed of dog?:Golden Retriever. <3>
Where is your favorite place to go out to eat?:McDonalds probably.
How long have you known your best friend?:8 years. <3>
What are your thoughts on abortion?:It's okay if necessary, careless use of it is just stupid.
When do you think the world is going to end?:Maybe, but not in my century.
Do you think there are aliens out there?:Of course.
Do you believe in God?:No.
Are you still a virgin?:Yes.
Are you comfortable with our current goverment?:Not really.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:I'm not sure, about appearance? Maybe my legs, I'd make'em longer.
Are you a fan of anime?:It's alright, but I don't watch.
What kind of cell phone do you have?:Samsung.
What color do you want your next car to be?:Black. <3>
Can you type without looking at the keys?:Yes.
How much money do you have on you right now?:Around $4
Do you smoke?:No.
How tall are you?:164 maybe..
What is your favorite Christmas movie?:Hmm.. I don't know. ;w;
Do you celebrate your pet's birthdays?:No, I can't remember them all.
Would you consider yourself selfish?:I can be, but generally, no.
What kind of mood are you in right now?:Neutral, I think I need to eat.
Name your favorite song from the 80's.:80'? I don't know.. I like Abba, The winner takes it all but I think that's 70's.
Are you a fan of Spongebob Squarepants?:Hell no.
Do you like fruits or vegetables more?:Fruits.
How much time a week do you spend watching TV?:Maybe 4.
Do you play any sports?:No, I'd like to.
Who was your last text message from?:I think from Bojana. xD
Do you like Taylor Swift?:I like some of her songs.
Do you enjoy going grocery shopping?:When I'm buying myself something too, yeah.
Do you like skim milk?:Skim?
Name two people in your life that mean the most to you.:My best friend and maybe mom.
Do you like short surveys or long ones better?:Long ones.
Are you a Facebook addict?:No.
Have you ever appeared on television?:Once, in 5th grade.
Do you like to read?:Sometimes.
What is your favorite kind of cookie?:Chocolate chip, i forgot the name, they were German.
Do you have any kids of your own?:No.
What was your first job?:Never had one.
Do material things matter to you?:Not really, sometimes.
Where is your favorite city?:England.
What was your last dream about?:The last I remember, about sex... o.o
Are you currently going to college?:No.
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?:H for some reason.. I love to write it.
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?:I WISH I HAD THAT.
Do you usually have good luck?:I guess.
Do you get bored easily?:Yes.
What annoys you the most about other people?:Many things, I can't choose.
Are you currently in a relationship?:No, single.
Have you ever been drunk before?:No.
Are you afraid of flying?:I guess? I'm scared of heights.
Have you ever been bitten by an animal (not an insect)?:Yes, many times. <3>
Have you ever been in a physical fight?:Yes.
Are you good at drawing?:When I try, yes.
How many text messages do you think you send in one month?:ONE MONTH? Over a 300 I believe.
Have you ever had a stalker?:I think so.
What grosses you out the most?:Literally? SPinach.
How much sleep do you get every night?:It all depends.
When's the last time you threw up?:It's been a long time.
What is your idea of the perfect date?:Anywhere we both like, but I'd love to watch a movie, maybe eat, but not a fancy resaurant, that's so cliche, maybe take a long walk and share. :3
Are you more of a morning or night person?:Night.
Can you speak more than one language?:Yes.
Do you own anything from Hollister?:No.
Do you stereotype people?:No.
Are you immature for your age?:No.
Are you afraid of spiders?:Sometimes...
Are you tired right now?:No.
What was the last thing you ate?:A pear. <3>
What is your favorite flavor of milkshake?:Vanilla. :3
Have you ever seen the movie Rent?:No.
Who is your favorite celebrity?:Anthony and Kalel? <3>
What's the highest number you've counted to out loud?:I can't remember...
What is your favorite video game?:DragonAge.
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:Glasses, but I'm going to get contacts in a year or two.
Are you looking forward to summer this year?:No...
Do you have trouble letting go of the past?:Yes.
Do you like your hair better straight or curly?:Straight.
Do you wish you would grow taller?:YES, PLS.
Do your parents make you do chores?:Not at all.
Have you ever been to the circus?:I think so, once.. It was creepy.
What's the longest word you know?:How would I know..?
Do you use teeth whitener?:No, but I wanna try.
Do you keep your room neat and clean?:Not always..
Can you count to ten in French?:Non.
Do you think war is an acceptable way of solving problems?:No.
Have you ever kissed anyone named Bob?:Noo.
Do you have a little sister?:Many, but here, cousins doesn't exist. It's all brothers and sisters, just from my aunts side and bleh.
Do you speak with an accent?:A serbia one, I guess.
We're you a bad child when you were younger?:Not really, just crazy.
Do you get grumpy often for no reason?:Yes, I have problems with my mood.
Do you want to have kids/more kids in the future?:Yes.
What is your dream career?:English teacher, or psychologist
Do you iron your clothes?:No..
Do you like to go tanning?:No!
Tell me a joke.:Haha.
Are you the type of person who likes to party a lot?:Not at all.
Would you consider your family "rich"?:Not at all. xD
Are you addicted to sugar?:No, I actually don't like things too sweet, ew.
Have you ever tried using a dating website?:No.
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?:Maybe.. Idk..
What is/was your favorite class in school?:Gradjansko. <3>
What is your favorite type of exercise?:Volleyball.
Do you believe in getting revenge on someone who's hurt you?:No, it always back fires.
Do you live near any volcanoes?:No, thankfully.
Name one word that you always have trouble pronouncing.:Jewelry!! D: I can't say that word!
Have you ever ridden in a taxi?:Ofc.
What's your favorite color?:Black, violett.
Would you rather use crayons or colored pencils?:Colored pencils. :3
How many fingers am I holding up?:None, you were typing.
Have you ever had a migraine?:No, actually.
Tell me something about yourself that you don't normally tell people.:People in real life? I've had long-distance relationships.
Have you ever served in the military?:No.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?:Sandwiches.
Do you go to the gym?:No.
Do you know how to write HTML?:Huh?
What is your favorite book?:LOTR. <3>
Do you have any songs that seem to fit your life perfectly?:Yes.
How many concerts have you been to?:Maybe 3 in my whole life.
Do you know the muffin man?:No o.o
Have you ever tried "planking"?:No :d
Do you shop at Hot Topic?:No..
Are you confident with your appearance?:Not really, sometimes I am.
Do you have trouble sitting still for long periods of time?:Sometimes :D At home, no. In class, yes.
Do you use the alarm clock on your phone or do you have an actual alarm?:On mah phonz.
Is your internet connection fast?:Yes. :3
Do you enjoy snow?:I like looking at it.
What are your initials?:M.S.
Are you paranoid of other people talking about you behind your back?:Not really, depends who.
Are you germaphobic?:Not at alll. :d
Do you get along with your parents?:I guess, yeah.
Have you ever had food poisoning?:No.
Are you impatient?:Usually, yeah.
What is your favorite thing to put on a sandwhich?:Idk..
Do you trust yourself with big responsibilities?:Not at all. xD
Do you like long car rides?:Yes, as long as I have my phone, my battery full and headphones, I don't care how long.
How often do you shower?:3 times a week.
Do you consider yourself a bully?:No.
Who were you last mad at and why?:I think.. Houston? Yeah
Are your parents currently togther?:No.
Do you find the rain calming?:No...
What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?:Vanilla. <3>
Do you follow football?:No.
Have you ever had an emotional breakdown?:Yes.
Do you think tomorrow will be a good day for you?:No, it will rain.
Are you in a good mood?:Not really. xD
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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  1. Surveys always start with the name, Hi survey, my name is... What's it to you? Get off! :P

    What is the closest green item to you?: A cap of a deodorant. xd <---- Is door an item? Cuz it's the closet green object to me. :D

    Are you a good speller?: Yes. c: <----- Oh reallllyyyyy? I few moments ago I found out she spelled Physics wrong. Heheheheheheh. xD <333333

    What year did you/will you graduate in?: 2016. <----- Cannot wait for that year! ^_^

    Does it take you long to fall asleep at night?: Sometimes, yes. <----- Same here, difficult sometimes... :c

    Do you think there are aliens out there?: Of course. <---- YESH! the alien is nearby. :D :D :D <33333

    Can you type without looking at the keys?: Yes. <---- Ofcourse, I got used to it. :)

    How much money do you have on you right now?: Around $4 <----- $0. :(

    Are you a fan of Spongebob Squarepants?: Hell no. <----- That answer: "Hell no.", lmao. Should be "HELL NO!!!". XD

    Are you a Facebook addict?: No. <---- Ah great, I am not the only one. :D <3

    Have you ever appeared on television?: Once, in 5th grade. <---- I WANNA SEE I WANNA SEE!!!!!!!! D:

    Do you like to read?: Sometimes. <---- Ofcourse she does, what do you think how is she answering all this, you stupid survey. xD

    What was your last dream about?: The last I remember, about sex... o.o <---- O_O Lol. xD

    Are you afraid of flying?: I guess? I'm scared of heights. <---- Same here ever since I was fallen from a height... >.<

    Have you ever been bitten by an animal (not an insect)?: Yes, many times. <3> <--- Not bitten but i've been kicked by a sheep! >_>

    Are you more of a morning or night person?: Night. <---- It's not called being a night person, it's called being an Owl. xD

    Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Glasses, but I'm going to get contacts in a year or two. <---- Nuuuu, you look cute with glasses on!!!! :( <3

    Do you like your hair better straight or curly?: Straight. <---- *-* <3

    Do you wish you would grow taller?: YES, PLS. <----- Hey blue, let's do this, you hold tight onto something and I will pull you from your legs, you would grow taller then. :D <3

    We're you a bad child when you were younger?: Not really, just crazy. <---- Hahaha. xD

    Tell me a joke.: Haha. <---- Booo!

    What is/was your favorite class in school?: Gradjansko. <3> <----- What is that class about, Blue? :O

    Name one word that you always have trouble pronouncing.: Jewelry!! D: I can't say that word! <--- Pronounce it like JooolRee. :) <3

    What is your favorite book?: LOTR. <3> <--- I only watched a movie, haven't read book! D:

    Are you in a good mood?: Not really. xD <--- Yep I am, you should know why. :D :D <3


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