
Showing posts from January 15, 2014

Day 15, Write about something(s) you worry about a lot

Well, these is a few things.  First one the list is school. I'm scared of the future as it is and thinking the worst when it comes to school scares and worries me. Like, if I maybe fail a class, or worse, fail a year. I'm sure I won't fail a whole year, but as an example; Biology and stuff like Physics kick me in the balls! I'm not a bad student, at all but eeh.. I guess that's first. The second thing is my health. This will sound very stupid but especially in the past two years, I've had health and sort of, ''mental'' problems because of everything that is going on. Till this day I have some symptoms and sometimes I feel it's getting worse and worse. No one really knows about this as much as me 'cause I almost NEVER talk about my problems or anything that is going on with me. I always have this voice in the back of my head that I can take care of things myself and about myself on my own and I really do, but I still do not share i