
Showing posts from December 5, 2012

Ducks have bigger penises than people.

._. .... Don't ask me, it's an info i learned two minutes ago. 19 Things you didn't know  ._. Interesting huh? You think it's true...? I wonder how this duck looks... Mascovy duck   I don't think it's possible... is it? I can't really imagine that big dick on this...little? Duck. I don't know. ._. Anyway, i have no real news today. I am gonna do a few topics soon, so be sure to update. (: Follow me on Twitter, if you can't find my pages, i always post them there. I don't have much to talk about, my bf has an interview, i am home alone, i'm hungry...OH! I had my Graduation test (not the real one) today and we had 20 tasks. It was pretty easy, i did 18. :3 At first i thought it would be horrible, but no. The tasks that i thought were awfully hard, turned out to be one of the easiest ones. They were mostly all logical. (: I was really bored at English class today, mainly because i know everything we are learning. From sense. But