
Showing posts from 2014

Kitten Goes Meow

To anyone who visits this, no longer will be posting here. You are living your story | My story begins here  Enjoy if you care to! Intro;  Fresh new start

All to fucking waste!

. . . . . . Why? Guys. I have been working my ass off, I have been working my goddamn ASS off for everything to be perfect, why does it have to go to waste! Oh my god... Okay, Mike's birthday was 3 days ago and I planned WAY BEFORE IT...SO MUCH. I had all of these ideas, I was so excited, I was like 'Got this! Gonna make him so happy!', worked, filmed, wrote, edited. Spent a lot of good nights not sleeping, just trying to teach myself how to edit videos better, had all of the clips on my phone, always backed them up, always transferred them into my computer RIGHT AWAY so I don't mess up or forget or anything, I was so careful! Everything was going good, I was still late even though I started working before the date, but I didn't want to settle for anything less than perfection! I had so many beautiful clips of me talking, just... entire MOVIES, drawings, and me one-on-one to a video camera I finally got, telling Mike everything I have been holding for the


Phew, nice and chilly. Kinda happy that fool died, honestly. Hahah. Ya ready? Yeah, let's go.

Being cute is the goal

I know something about myself that not many people realize, even after years of knowing me... I may be a hopeless romantic and I may love love and I may, maybe, imagine a snapshot of a what-if-we-were-together- wedding every time I see a handsome man on Tv or something but, I can't say I truly fall in love easy. One of the things, next to having to be able to make me laugh, someone needs to BE in order for me to feel sparks... is be cute. ^_^ ...I'll explain. A man can be hot, handsome, gorgeous, but that doesn't bring up much importance to me as when I find someone cute and adorable. Of course, attitude and character are 100% important but if you've already got cute covered, it's easier for me to get to know a guy. There has to be something in the guy, character or appearance wise that makes me go, "Awww that's so cuuuute!" at least once... Whether he talks cute or is clumsy and stumbles upon rocks, or starts talking fast when he's nervous

Love and romance

Guys, I read my book, ''To je bilo jedne noci na Jadranu" by Mir-Jam,  this morning...All I have to say, non stop something is happening, it's so interesting, NOTHING is boring, love, passion, pain, suffering, ROMANCE... Perfection in 400 pages! I HAVE NO WORDS. Oh so beautiful... I can't begin to describe. I won't give out what it's about, but if you're not into romance and love, don't read this. :3 (I wonder how many people actually dont?) I want to start my other one I also mentioned in my latest blogpost, Dreams of happiness. It's smaller than Mir-Jam, so it'll be finished in 3 days if I like it :3

Dreams of happiness

Left  ◊  'Dreams of happiness' by Lusy Dilon Right  ◊   'It was on one night on the Adriatic' by Mir-Jam ^_^  I finished my book 'Only yours' I mentioned in a previous blogpost of mine and I LOVED IT. I'm getting in this reading streak I don't want to break because I'm truly enjoying it and having fun, SO... Now I am deciding which one to start with next.  I was actually good. I think at first I had like six books in my hands to choose from and I was like, this is insane, near it down woman! So I did, to these two...  ◊  Oh, ignore the David Edings books in the background and my phone. Just stayed there in the picture.  ◊ Mom has been recommending To je bilo jedne noci na Jadranu for so damn long, I think actually years. I love Mir-Jam's series, like Ranjeni Orao, and she says this is the most romantic of all of them. I am a sappy love person so I'll like it but something is drawing me off. I think Dreams of happiness is m


It made me cry hysterically when I first heard it, still makes me tear up sometimes. Made a wrong turn, once or twice.  Dug my way out, blood and fire. Bad decisions, that' alright. Welcome to my silly life. Mistreated, misplaced, missunderstood, miss knowit. It's all good , it didn't slow me down. Mistaken, always second guessing, underestamated. Look I'm still around.  Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect. Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel like you're nothing, you are perfect to me. You're so mean when you talk. About yourself you were wrong. Change those voices in your head. Make them like you instead. So complicated, look how we all make it. Feeling so much hatred. Such a tired game. It's enough, I've done all I can think off. Chased down all my demons , I've seen you do the same. Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less tha

Fuck everything

I'm so hungry! ;_; I am so freaking cranky all day, and I didn't eat anything since last night. I can't wait till dad get's back home, I'm directly asking, GIMME MONEY FOR FOOD! -.-' Buuut, I good a nice message this morning, around 6 am, right when I wake up from Mikey. :3 He will be gone another two weeks.. I feel like four had already passed but nope... Only two. ;-; He was sweet though! And I took my anger out on Kevs.. ;_; I'm a baad friend.. ;_;  There's more... he got scared. x3 But he understood, I think..^_^ He's such a good friend to me. :3  Dad just called me and told me not to leave the house 'cause he lost his keys..He's here in about an hour...COME ON! ;_; 


Hellow people! I was laying in my bed and reading my lovely book and talking to my Kevii bear at the same time and something came on my mind I need to write through. I've mentioned this before but I am a hopeless romantic type person. I completely believe in love and that love has no measures. I've always felt like that, no matter what was happening in my life. People who know me know what I am talking about and you'd think I ''gave up'' on the idea after so much shit and that I would think true love doesn't exist but no. Considering what I have been through with Mike for example, I can't be skeptical about love. I brought my book up for this because the book is about two completely different women leading completely different live that collide and having wonderful husbands. I feel like I can find love easily and I don't how good that is. The trick isn't to find it but to keep it and now that I think about it, I haven't done a pretty

My marvelous divorce

I finished my book - My marvelous divorce by Clair Dauling. ! I actually finished it at 1am today, I could not put it down. I had around 70 pages left and I was like fuck it! Not waiting till tomorrow! And I was so excited, I was at the point where I wanted to skip to the end and just read what was going to happen but noope! :3 *** The book is mainly about a woman Jackie Bol who knew that happiness was hard to find, so when Den Louis comes into her life she decided to grab a hold of him and keep him. BUT, something throws a mighty big shadow on her way to happiness, her first husband Henry Heart. Jackie sees her marriage as a nightmare so she highers a lawyer to get a divorce and move on with her life. However, Henry is determined to settle some old scores so when he finds Divorce papers on his front door,  he decided to use it. *** Now, I'm translating from Serbian, I'm sure this book is published in English, I'm 100% positive, but it may be called differently. I didn

Let's go back a little?

I was thinking, I'm missing a little fun in my life, honestly! My life has just been a blur of stress, questions, disappointments and all kinds of shit for the past 6 months at least. Not even drama is going on, absolutely nothing... So! I was thinking of going back to blogging like I used to.. You know, errday about stupid little things that pop onto my mind. Not really inspired, but I'll get into it! It's just an idea for now.. You know what I think the problem is? There is no one juicy enough to comment or read, like before... Remember? x3 If you don't, I can't remind you, 800 of my posts are gone. I regret deleting those too... Anyway! I'll brainstorm about this a little more while I go read my book! :3

CastleVille Legends

. . . Let me just say, it isn't my fault I started playing this dumb game! My mom is to blame! D: She has a tablet that is amazing and she has FarmVille2 and CastleVille Legends on it... she plays it so often and in time I've catched up and learned and started to like it. I mean, the graphic is so beautiful! So.. I started playing it too on facebook. ;_; Right now, I'm making a big pile of oats so I can feed my cows when they come, I need me some milk :3 I'm already on level six! Don't judge me! D: It's nice... :3 I MAY try FarmVille2 but that isn't as fun...All though the animals are OHMYGODCUTE! ...Shut up!

Ready to tie

Oh my god you guys. . . Have you ever read a book and felt completely, drained? Lololol! I mean, my head is so fucking lost right now. For the first time in a very very long time I read a book and not just any book, a love novel! Called "Spremna da se veze" and what it means is, "Ready to tie" literally.You can add "herself" at the end. It's a little one, just 200 pages, I started yesterday. . . I finished around noon today! ^_^ I could NOT leave it, just sitting there on my coffee table and me not knowing what's happening to Matt and Jenny, just no. . . It's a Serbian book and the first time I have ever read anything like this and. . . OHMYGODILOVEIT. I love it you guys, I am so excited for some reason! I started reading it with my eyebrows raised and by the maybe 60th page, a smile did not come off my face! I laughed and felt butterflies multiple times over. Gosh! I'll tell you what the story is about but first, let me just say... I

WELCOME BACK TO THE GANG! - The Walking Dead Season Two - Episode 3 - Pa...


Sharing kitten love ღ

My only true loves. ღ

8 opposite sex friends

8 opposite sex friends Created by lyss013 and taken 104 times on Bzoink

My 'love'

All about him! (Your love or crush) Created by AdisGurl and taken 4735 times on Bzoink

Animal haters stay away from me.

This isn't blog worthy at all but since I've been really neglecting my blog and I love to write anyway, like, ok. I started writing every single day, I am sort of changing my lifestyle in a way, I can't explain it. I think Kalel was a big infulence for that, she's kind of like my role model, or at least someone I look up too 90% of the time and I started collecting all of these cute notebooks and I started writing things down, every single day. About my days, thoughts, some of the things I've learned if I have through the day. . . some stupid little wishes for tomorrow or the far future. Anything like that. . . So, I was like, I love that I'm doing this but I have my blog/public diary for that as well. Why am I not working on both sides, so here I am! ^_^ Lately, animals have been a lot on my mind and I keep going back to people who just, legit, bluntly DON'T LIKE animals. Just feel the need to get rid of them because . . . they don't like them? I

Embracing my inner child

Okay so, I was walking around, I had money with me and I felt like spending it... I walked into a grocerie store of some kind and I just started browing a little bit of everything! The first thing I check is . . . - We've started getting some really cool, (rather expensive) sweets, from all over the world, I think mostly Germany but America as well and it's all like, some cookies or chocolate mint bars. But, one I found the most interesting... I'm sorry if you guys know what this is but we just got these and to be honest, I didn't want to buy them, I am not that big fan of cookies but the title . . . ''Walkers'', I'm sorry, TWD fans will understand me but what does that remind you of? Just let it set in . . . Yes, zombies, walkers from TWD. I literally imagined eating these cookies and turning into a walker. x3 ON THAT NOTE; I am so sad but so pleased the season has ended. It's my all time favorite show now, and I am so thankful to Mary f

My fellow wolfies!

Okay so it has been a little while ever since I've posted anything and I'm not counting Pewdiepie's charity event, I blogged that directly over YouTube. Quite awhile has happened if you can believe it, in the last 3 weeks that passed. Let's first start off with the second and last semester of this year is coming to an end, slowly, but moving. That scares the shit out of me, the future, anything related. =.= I talked to mom last night about it and cried, I was stressed like hell. Let's sprinkle some cute over that!; I have grown my family! Are you ready? . . . I have a new family of kittens now!That's not news?! . . . You're probably right but it's exciting and cute each time around! I didn't take any pictures of them yet, but hopefully I will soon. They just opened their eyes and I feel filled every time I come home and lay my eyes on them.  We've finally gotten some great, beautiful weather around here. It's really shinning right now a

Save the Children - 25 Million Bros!

The Walking Dead

Guys...GUYS! I am so hooked up on this! I want to say if you haven't watched the show or played the game that you're insane and that I want to kill you, but to be fair - I started watching the show 3 days ago haha. I have watched all of the 4 seasons even though it seems impossible but I don't have a problem starting early in the morning or after school and not sleeping for this. I was so hooked, it is so fucking good! ^_^ I don't recommend this to people who are sensitive or really squeamish to blood and organs and just dead people. I won't spoil it, I will just say, YOU WON'T REGRET IT! Give it a chance, it didn't attract me the first 2 episodes, but after that I think adrenaline didn't stop sprinting through my body. :3 At first, I was so pissed at two characters, Lori and Shane, if you watch you'll know why. Just the sight of Lori pissed me off. -.-' She got okay after the second season for me. Shane got a bit crazy and after his hair

10 Commandments vs 9 Satanic Sins

9 Satanic Sins and 11 rules of earth, definitely.

Re: Atheists don't live in reality

This is just extraordinary. What is? - It is extraordinary how much I agree with Daniel on this topic (Atheism - Religion). But as well how much these people make me want to smack them. That wish is just extraordinary in my mind.

I'm already gone

Has anyone ever felt like they know they're so upset deep down that they just WANT to be angry instead. Just to numb the pain. I'm sounding really really dramatic and it's really not as bad as I make it seem but I am hurt and seriously - The past few WEEKS, I want to be angry and I actually am bitter all the time. I don't think there was a moment between this time that I didn't get angry or annoyed with someone over the smallest thing, especially if it's a facebook message. I've been avoiding even my mom the most 'cause she has the nagging habit and she asks too many questions at once - I BLOW inside when that happens.  It get's me so angry and I just want to tell her Bite Me all the time, but of course I don't. I hate that being angry about everything doesn't help 'cause I'm still not any better. Sad or angry it doesn't mean I'm getting any better. Although Poroner has been a help. It's amazing how with him very littl

Kitten love ♡

Okay, so 3 days ago I was at the store and was just walking around not knowing at all what to do and I saw these adorable mini puzzle's of 54 pieces. They're called Trefl Puzzle and there were all kinds of designs. Mickey Mouse, Winnie The Pooh, Sponge Bob, even Teletubbiesi! I searched and searched and of course I found a puppy and kitty one! They were I think $1 and I could not resist to buy it! I came home and puzzled it right away! It was not as easy as I thought it would be but it's cute  It's still puzzled up on my table, I didn't want to pack it up again so it's just staying. :3 I find it so pretty and I think I'll even frame it! Now, what I found adorable is that while I was puzzling this, I saw this;  This was already when I called out ''Kitty!'' but Marbles was already licking Teeny with his paw around her! It was so freaking cute, Teeny purring like crazy and I love they close their eyes at everything they're doin

Shinning winter

 I mentioned that this winter was the best there could've been for years now and I meant it!   These were taken at my mom's. The first picture is when you step right out on the street, behind me is a gate. I just love when it's winter, I get out and I see bright blue skies and I can walk in my blouse! The other one is on the corner of the street - this is where I go to every time I take walks and just go on from there. The bright white thing is the sun. The only thing that's missing is bright green leaves on that little tree that's peeking in the corner. ^_^

Another music shuffle? I like'em

Another Music shuffle? I like 'em ;) Created by thiscrazedfan and taken 622 times on Bzoink

It was as though the survey knew!

[iPod Shuffle] Created by mrsedwardcullen and taken 387 times on Bzoink Stick Your iPod On Shuffle - You Know The Drill ;) Write The Name Of The First Song As The First Answer, Then Move On! Today You feel:: Gonna get this! Your New Myspace Name Is Going To Be:: Wanna play? xD You Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night When You Heard Someone Shout:: Round and round! When The Aliens Abducted You, They Told You:: The second that you say... The Reason Behind Your Next Argument Is:: Sick of you! This Is Why People Love You:: The waiting one This Why Some People Don't:: Quiet {Wtf!} What You Do On A Friday Night Is:: Bang bang!? You Find Out You're Pregnant And Say...:: Call me maybe!? The Police Arrest You For:: Diamonds... You Won The Kareoke Contest By Singing:: Best of me Your Best Friend Stabbed You In The Back And You Said...:: Beograd. You Quit Your Job Because:: Falling in love This Is Why You Screamed Last Night:: Every time we touch... Your F

I'm tired of being what you want me to be.

i'm tired of being what you want me to be. Created by sarr03 and taken 122 times on Bzoink

Chicken Invaders!

This little game brings back so many memories! I ran into it while looking at... I don't know what I was looking at, at that time but I got a huge craving to play it once again! I used to, like, 3-4-5 years ago when it was really popular but after awhile forgot about it. I've tried 1,2 and 3 but I don't like them at all, they're not at all what I was looking for so I tried out 4: Ultimate Omelette and that's the part I know! It's so silly but so fun at the same time. Poroner was like, "Play a game, you know the best thing they do is get your mind out of reality for awhile and just relax you, a real one" and what do I do? I choose popping chickens. :3 


�Countdown� Created by lbp116 and taken 89 times on Bzoink ♦10 Things That Are In Your Room♦ 1.: My big bed! 2.: Laptop! 3.: Books 4.: Posters 5.: My closet 6.: A lot of color pencils! A lot! 7.: A framed flower picture! 8.: Chips 9.: Earphones 10.: My phone ♦9 Of Your Favorite Movies♦ 1.: Lord of the rings trilogy :3 2.: The Hobbit (soon to be) trilogy :3 3.: Dirty Dancing! 4.: Cyberbully 5.: Ghost 6.: Shrek trilogy 7.: Lion King! 8.: 101 Dalmations 9.: Scooby Doo :3 ♦8 Of Your Favorite Bands♦ 1.: Breaking Benjamin 2.: Hollywood Undead 3.: Simple Plan 4.: RED 5.: For all those sleeping 6.: Backstreet Boys 7.: Evanescence 8.: Three days grace ♦7 Favorite Songs♦ 1.: Well fuck...At the moment.. The douche song! 2.: Black Dahlia 3.: Show me the meaning of being lonely 4.: You don't see me 5.: You suck at love 6.: Far away 7.: Anthem of the angels ♦ 6 Favorite Lyrics♦ 1.: 'You aren't alone, just know that I

Early in the morning

I hate being up this early but I at least went to bed at 9:30! You guys. So I'm pretty fine, just really hungry haha. I'm getting ready for school and I have to leave as soon as I write this, so need to wrap it up. I have a teacher class at 7:30 so... Ugh. I just realized I took off my nailpolish on my left hand and not on the right one...EW! Anyway, I gotta go now! Have a goood morning everyone! Hoping this day is any productive!

First place!

I got the results of my English competition today, I got first place! I got really happy and my teacher told me she was delighted with my work and knowledge. If only she knew I knew all of that LONG AGO. I got From 100% of it I got 99%...Gad! The biggest point was 40, I got 39 and the part I love the most! I did every single question except THAT ONE, I just left it 'cause I wasn't 100% sure I would do it right, BUT if I had tried at least I had 50 50 for it to be right! I could've had 40 points, I wouldn't lose anything but this is amazing as well! I'm pleased and proud! :3 

Baby don't cut

She's only 17, her whole life's ahead of her. She hates school because the people there discredit her. Her boyfriend tries to show that's not how it seems. But everyday she just get's lowered with her self esteem. He let's her know that every night will have a brighter day. She's even tried to overdose and take her life away. She's feeling hopeless there, just sitting down beside her bed. And then he takes his hand and places it beside her head. He tried to hold her but with every touch she still resists. And then he sees the scars that bury deep within her wrists. She's feeling numb, he tries to beg and plead and ask her why. She says this way she has control of pain she feels inside. He's asking her how long it's going since you felt this. Way because you got me here just feeling so damn helpless. She says it's been awhile, I guess I needed better luck. And then he screams at her and tells her baby never cut. Nobody seems