I'm tired of being what you want me to be.

i'm tired of being what you want me to be.
Created by sarr03 and taken 122 times on Bzoink
hi, what's your name?:Marija :)
are you obsessed with peace signs?:Nooope.
what is the last gift you have received?:I don't remember :3
what's the most sad thing that has happened this week?:I fucked my knee :c
who did you last call?:To Luka.
what is one thing you're looking forward to?:Saturday :3
name one of your goals.:To pass the year ;_;
when was the last time you saw your love interest?::c
has something really opened your eyes lately?:Yes.
did anything about today suck?:Well... no.
is there anything that hurts on your body?:Yes actually! Underneath my jaw none, when I chew only the left side hurts, the right side of my neck and back hurt, my knee, my whole left leg and my head.
when will you next hang out with the person you like?:I don't like anyone.
what are you doing tomorrow?:Sleeping in the morning, studying, school. :)
how has this week been for you?:It's been okay!
what was the funniest thing that happened today?:Today? David and I fooling around with a sponge. :D
is something frightening you right now?:Nope.
do you still play with barbies?:Noo.
what version of aim do you have?:Wut?
who do you usually go to for advice?:Mom.
how old would you have been in 1997?:-365 days old.
have you ever just wanted to start over?:Yes.
can you draw?:Yes.
are you getting a summer job?:Nope.
what usually prevents you from doing what you want?:The consequences.
what is the name of your favorite stuffed animal?:Ion :3
do you know any red-haired people?:Yes!
what games do you play on the computer? :Chicken Invaders!
did you dress up for halloween this year?:We don't have that.
when was the last time you went to the movies?:It's been at least two months.
who has influenced your life the most?:I'm not sure.
admit it, how often do you put people down?:Almost never.
do you flip your pillow over to get the cold side?:Yes :D
do people call you a smartass?:Nope.
is there anyone that you talk to all the time..but never in person?:No.
what's your bus number?:Most of the time 53.
how many times have you heard a rumor about yourself?:Many.
opinion of kanye west?:I don't like him.
has anything embarassing happened to you lately?:Yes, I sat on a gum.
do you take a long time to get ready?:No.
do you like chinese food?:I've never tried.
how many pairs of your jeans have holes in them?:None. :)
is there a santa hat anywhere in your house?:Nope.
what do you order at subway?:I don't order.
do you think your clothes say who you are?:Nope.
do you still high-5?:No.
what color is your favorite pair of flipflops?:Don't wear them.
are any of your friends named megan?:Nope.
what store is your favorite shirt from?:I don't have favorite along my clothes.
who last picked on you and for what?:Hristina and Maja.
who/what made your day today?:Nothing! :c
is there anything pink near you?:Yes, my shorts.
are you hungry?:NO.
are there any weapons in your house?:Nope.
would you ever even consider smoking?:NO.
do you email people ever?:Yes.
what is your favorite thing to drink?:Coke.
what are your favorite kind of chips?:Tortilla. :3
do you ever ride your bike anymore?:I never learned.
can you name five people that you know do drugs?:Nope.
how's your hair?:Dirty. :c
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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