My marvelous divorce

I finished my book - My marvelous divorce by Clair Dauling. ! I actually finished it at 1am today, I could not put it down. I had around 70 pages left and I was like fuck it! Not waiting till tomorrow! And I was so excited, I was at the point where I wanted to skip to the end and just read what was going to happen but noope! :3

*** The book is mainly about a woman Jackie Bol who knew that happiness was hard to find, so when Den Louis comes into her life she decided to grab a hold of him and keep him. BUT, something throws a mighty big shadow on her way to happiness, her first husband Henry Heart. Jackie sees her marriage as a nightmare so she highers a lawyer to get a divorce and move on with her life. However, Henry is determined to settle some old scores so when he finds Divorce papers on his front door,  he decided to use it.
Now, I'm translating from Serbian, I'm sure this book is published in English, I'm 100% positive, but it may be called differently. I didn't check.
The ending was EXACTLY how I wanted it to be! :3 The book drives your thought back and forth. Just when you think they're falling back in love, NOPE, they hate each other, want to eat each other's guts!. . . But nope ^_^! I'm so happy and now actually, I have 3 books I'm deciding which to start first... They're all pretty big!

There is,  "I'm marrying you", by Amanda Quick, which is kind of a mystery type, love book that I can't wait to read.

"Only yours" by Sheila O' Flenegan which is a beautiful book, about 2 women with different lives. Johna Branock that has a wonderful husband, great home, great job, she had won everything, and all they feel is missing is a baby. So they can be a complete family!...But things get complicated.
And, Sally Harper who has a perfect fulfilled life! A great and wonderful husband, great house, awesome job, and a great 17 year old daughter and she could not want another one, at all. She's 41 but she get's an unpleasant surprise one morning...
By an remarkable game, the two lives will collide for all eternity.

Aand my all time classic, a romantic, love novel, "The heart of an eagle", about a lonely divorced woman that left her absolutely broken. She decided to take a nice vocation on a ranch where she meets... Do I need to continue? ^_^

I can't wait to read them all, all I am thinking about is... From which to start?! Hmmmmm....


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