Animal haters stay away from me.

This isn't blog worthy at all but since I've been really neglecting my blog and I love to write anyway, like, ok. I started writing every single day, I am sort of changing my lifestyle in a way, I can't explain it. I think Kalel was a big infulence for that, she's kind of like my role model, or at least someone I look up too 90% of the time and I started collecting all of these cute notebooks and I started writing things down, every single day. About my days, thoughts, some of the things I've learned if I have through the day. . . some stupid little wishes for tomorrow or the far future. Anything like that. . .
So, I was like, I love that I'm doing this but I have my blog/public diary for that as well. Why am I not working on both sides, so here I am! ^_^

Lately, animals have been a lot on my mind and I keep going back to people who just, legit, bluntly DON'T LIKE animals. Just feel the need to get rid of them because . . . they don't like them?

I don't understand people like that, that's another fact. I have my own theory about people like that,
and whoever tells me they don't like animals, I make them clear it up.
Do you not specific animals, dogs, birds but like others, or do you just not like or worse, hate all animals in general because they're animals (?). 

Whoever gives me the first example I gave, I'm fine with that. If someone tells me they don't like bunnies, I don't understand it, but I accept it hahah.
The other option. . . is not an option. For me. I stay away from those kinds of people, legit . . . Don't come near me, we have nothing to talk about. I'm sorry.
And animal haters DO stay away from me. I make it VERY clear but short and they actually never speak to me again. Which is fine. 

My theory is, someone who feels compelled to hate on animals just 'cause they're animals and walk on four legs and whatever reason these people have, if you feel the need and want to abuse them, just get them off of your way, swear them on the street when they walk by which I've seen... You shouldn't be around human beings.
If a person can't handle or can't at least RESPECT a being that can't lie, that doesn't know how to deceive anyone, that will never betray you, that will never lie to you, that will stop and look at you if you have tears in your eyes... If you can't at least respect something so pure, what do you do with HUMAN BEINGS that you're surrounded with? Do I need to explain why is human beings all in caps?
Don't get me wrong, people who LOVE animals have flaws. . . III have flaws and I'm in love with animals, but animal haters have that certain evil in them, that bad, just gross character flaws towards humans that will never fade.

Let's move onto DOGS, in particular. I LOVE DOGS. Let's get that fact straight up in here. But people attack me when I say that I feel cats are better than dogs.
Dogs are far more loyal to their ''master'' than cats are, dogs live for their master while cats live to survive. I get all of the differences between cats and dogs. I DO.

The main reason why I like cats more, (Note that I have had cats all of my life, I've been through everything, many different KINDS of cats, I've seen it all. I don't need lectures on how cats work, I KNOW how they work), is their independence.
I don't like the idea of someone drooling over me, I'm sorry, I don't like someone being tied to me. I like that someone loves me so much to die for me and who will never betray me or leave my side, but I can't think of my dog dying while I'm away for a few days because he misses me.
Cats are like humans.

Cats love you just as much as you love them. When you give and show them love, they give and show you love back. The way you treat the cat, is the way you'll be treated back.

It's true they get attached more to their home place than their ''master'', but believe me, it's not true that cats don't love their homemates, I hate the word master. -.-

It's not true that cats only cuddle with you just because they're asking for food. 
Today is an example, I gave them food, they came to us because they know we fed them and love them, we don't want them to starve obviously, they cuddled with us for hours, didn't leave our side. Followed me to my bed and laid on me.

It's not true cat's don't feel guilt or sympathy for someone. 
When a cat breaks something and she knows it's her fault, she stops, freezes and stares at it and looks at you, like a kid ''What?Who? How did that happen?'' which is actually adorable. But she turns away or tries to hide somewhere not because she doesn't give shit about what happened, ON THE CONTRARY.
She KNOWS she did something bad, she's expecting her homemate to react and she looks at you RIGHT IN THE EYE. That's how you know, she can't lie to you.

#2 When you cry in front of a cat, if you own her, she cares. I won't say more, but a cat isn't going to feel much sympathy for someone crying on the street. Would you? Truly?
Or would you just tell to yourself Aw, and keep walking?

OHMYGOD! If you got this far, I love you.
I have this one sentence that is horrible in my opinion, in a good way, somehow.
''Maybe he's just a part of your life, but to him, you are his life'' - For Dogs...
I don't know how people enjoy in that...

. . . No, cats
''Životna ljubav'' - Love for life


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