
Created by lbp116 and taken 89 times on Bzoink
♦10 Things That Are In Your Room♦
1.:My big bed!
5.:My closet
6.:A lot of color pencils! A lot!
7.:A framed flower picture!
10.:My phone
♦9 Of Your Favorite Movies♦
1.:Lord of the rings trilogy :3
2.:The Hobbit (soon to be) trilogy :3
3.:Dirty Dancing!
6.:Shrek trilogy
7.:Lion King!
8.:101 Dalmations
9.:Scooby Doo :3
♦8 Of Your Favorite Bands♦
1.:Breaking Benjamin
2.:Hollywood Undead
3.:Simple Plan
5.:For all those sleeping
6.:Backstreet Boys
8.:Three days grace
♦7 Favorite Songs♦
1.:Well fuck...At the moment.. The douche song!
2.:Black Dahlia
3.:Show me the meaning of being lonely
4.:You don't see me
5.:You suck at love
6.:Far away
7.:Anthem of the angels
♦ 6 Favorite Lyrics♦
1.:'You aren't alone, just know that I can't save our hearts tonight' <3>
2.:"You don't see me and you don't need me. And you don't love me the way I wish you would. The way I know you could."
3.:"I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven. It's okay..." <3>
4.:"You're my true love. My whole heart. Please don't throw that away 'cause I'm here for you. Please don't walk away and please tell me you'll stay! Stay!". <3>
5.:"Show me the meaning of being lonely. Is this the feeling i need to walk with? Tell me why I can't be there where you are. There's something missing in my heart".
6.:"Life goes on as it never ends".
♦5 Favorite Books♦
1.:Lord of the rings
2.:Harry Potter books
3.:Mistress of Death
4.:PS. I love you
5.:The Diary of Andiran Molle
♦4 Specific Locations Where You've Been Kissed (and who)♦
1.:In my friends "backyard", that's surrounded by buildings, under the roses, we were sitting. My first bf Pavle!
2.:In school :3 Pavle
3.:In class multiple times because of a dare. Pavle
4.:In the street as a surprise ._. Marko.
♦Top 3 Myspace Friends♦
1.:I don't use this thing so fb! Mary!
♦2 Things You're Wearing♦
2.:Nail polish!
♦1 Random Thing You Did Today♦
1.:tripped on a sock!?
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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