Embracing my inner child

Okay so, I was walking around, I had money with me and I felt like spending it... I walked into a grocerie store of some kind and I just started browing a little bit of everything!
The first thing I check is . . . - We've started getting some really cool, (rather expensive) sweets, from all over the world, I think mostly Germany but America as well and it's all like, some cookies or chocolate mint bars. But, one I found the most interesting...

I'm sorry if you guys know what this is but we just got these and to be honest, I didn't want to buy them, I am not that big fan of cookies but the title . . . ''Walkers'', I'm sorry, TWD fans will understand me but what does that remind you of? Just let it set in . . . Yes, zombies, walkers from TWD. I literally imagined eating these cookies and turning into a walker. x3
ON THAT NOTE; I am so sad but so pleased the season has ended. It's my all time favorite show now, and I am so thankful to Mary for encouraging me to watch it. I got the craving for it when I saw Pewds was playing The Walking Dead game, season 2, and it's one of those tell-tale games and I like that. You make your own story basically.  I have never made a better decision in life, haha.

Oh!  A few more updates on my life! I got a brand new phone from mom's bf, I think I talked about it in a previous blog, and I got it. It is AMAZING, I am so pleased and the back of the phone is purple. I don't have a mask or anything yet, kinda don't want to get it, but the phone itself is purple on the back, it is so beautiful! I also got some new really cool sneakers that are different than any other sneakers I have ever worn.
They're really good quality, they're strong and I need that because I brake most of my shoes.

Another product. . .

This is also new but it's freaking ridiculously expensive, I think it's 3 freaking dollars for this little bar. I know it's new and all but Jesus. The reason why I really want to try it sometime is because it reminds me a lot of Violet Crumble for some reason, the shape of the bar - which is probably stupid 'cause Violet Crumble doesn't have almonds in it and this is I think only almonds but still, I really want to try it. Also, It's from Germany, Zentis is a German label. (:I still didn't buy it, didn't feel like wasting that much money... I had 10 dollars with me.

This is the part of my shopping where I start questioning myself and whether or not I should be moved to Middle school again . . .
AND  lemme just clear something up. I'm not childish, I can be but I am not, I just really really love PUZZLES. Any kind, any design and Disney ones are the only ones they had and Monsters Inc. 
Stop judging!

I am not THAT familiar with Monsters University, I watched the movie on Disney channel but this puzzle had 60 puzzles and the other's were around 30, so I was like fuck it! It was $3 dollars. :3
I puzzled it and loved it! I honestly want to make a collection, I'm starting today. :3

My cat came to snuggle wif me right now:3 I am going to go over some school work again, I need to get some grades up. I am not sure what else I am going to do... I wish I had some other things to talk about but I think I bored you enough (:

 I'll leave you with this ADORABLE puppy. Woof!


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