Being cute is the goal

I know something about myself that not many people realize, even after years of knowing me...
I may be a hopeless romantic and I may love love and I may, maybe, imagine a snapshot of a what-if-we-were-together- wedding every time I see a handsome man on Tv or something but, I can't say I truly fall in love easy.
One of the things, next to having to be able to make me laugh, someone needs to BE in order for me to feel sparks... is be cute. ^_^

...I'll explain.
A man can be hot, handsome, gorgeous, but that doesn't bring up much importance to me as when I find someone cute and adorable. Of course, attitude and character are 100% important but if you've already got cute covered, it's easier for me to get to know a guy.
There has to be something in the guy, character or appearance wise that makes me go, "Awww that's so cuuuute!" at least once... Whether he talks cute or is clumsy and stumbles upon rocks, or starts talking fast when he's nervous or sing when he's nervous, or blush, or is more emotional when nervous... Then a small inchy part of me melts and while I say or think those words, a few sparks fly.
I'm not saying I'll completely dismiss someone because they're handsome or hot, but for me to call them beautiful, I HAVE to know them character wise. Then they become beautiful, gorgeous, all that good stuff.
I didn't find Mike HOT when I met him, I found him absolutely adorable with his hair and his voice was so amazing! Through time, I found out he was a goof and he always made me have those "D'awwww!!", feelings about him and that just makes me feel so great and like someone more and more. I found him beautiful right afterwards, 'cause he could make me feel better, he could make me laugh and he's just an amazing person. ^_^
Kevin can make me laugh and he's also a dork, Houston was a dork and he sung when he was nervous... (He could sing out loud but he didn't want to talk.. because he was nervous ._.). Those are all adorable things, that make me want to know guys, OR GIRLS even more. ^_^

If I don't know the guy, like, let's say I'm with a friend and we see this guy, who is really handsome and sexy and all of that, I'll be like, Yeah, he's really great! He has great arms, great eyes, beautiful smile... But that's where it ends. If I do find him just... handsome.
But if he's cute for my taste, like all, wubbly, I'll be like Awww he's so cute! look at his smiile! and it's immediately different.
I hope you understand... but that's just how it works. I hope no one get's offended or something. I'm not saying I fall in love or start liking every guy that si goofy and makes me laugh, but it's just more easier and easier to get through huys that are like this.
I'm also not saying I'm zoning ANYONE out, but doing cute dorky stuff is NEVER an embarrassment... don't try to keep your cool with me, I'll take your mask off. :3


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