Fuck everything

I'm so hungry! ;_; I am so freaking cranky all day, and I didn't eat anything since last night. I can't wait till dad get's back home, I'm directly asking, GIMME MONEY FOR FOOD! -.-' Buuut, I good a nice message this morning, around 6 am, right when I wake up from Mikey. :3 He will be gone another two weeks.. I feel like four had already passed but nope... Only two. ;-; He was sweet though!
And I took my anger out on Kevs.. ;_; I'm a baad friend.. ;_; 

There's more... he got scared. x3 But he understood, I think..^_^ He's such a good friend to me. :3 
Dad just called me and told me not to leave the house 'cause he lost his keys..He's here in about an hour...COME ON! ;_; 


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