My 'love'

All about him! (Your love or crush)
Created by AdisGurl and taken 4735 times on Bzoink
First, about you!
What's your name?:Marija:3
How old are you?:I'm 16
What grade are you in?:1st of highschool :3
What's your favorite animal?:cat :3
Do you have any brothers or sisters?:Yes
If so, how many?:Many
How old are they?:Many ages
What are they're names?:Many names
Do you have any pets?:Yes:3
Do you like a guy?:yes :3
Lets talk about him!:Sure! ^_^
About him!
I know i asked this already, but is there a him?:Yes:3
Whats his name?:Michael:3
What grade is he in?:he finished school:3
Does he know you like him?:Yes;3
Does he like you too?:He denies it.. <_>
What color is his hair?:Brown:3
What color are his eyes?:Warm brown, most beautiful:3
Does he have glasses?:Nopee
On a scale from 1-10, how cute/hot is he?:10:3
What do you love:
About his personality?:He's not afraid to show his feelings and he never gives up!
About his voice?:Everything, it's amazing!
About his Hair:It's soft:3
About his eyes?:They're cute happy puppy dog eyes^_^
About his taste in music:It's true;3
About his family?:He's like his mom;3
About his smile:^___^!
About his laugh?:He get's red when he laughs ^w^
What's your absolute favorite thing about him?:He's beautiful inside and out:3
Anything you wanna say that i forgot?:I love him, I don't just like him;3
Would you:
Tell him he's hot?:Yeah!
Tell him you love him?:Yush:3
Tell him you like him?:Yus:3
Tell him that you couldn't live without him?:Yes!
Tell him he has beautiful eyes?:Oh yeah :3
Tell him he's your best friend:He is:3
Ask him out?:Yeah:'3
Kiss him just out of no where?:24/7 :3
Marry him (One day)?:...I would.
What discribes you?
What song discribes your realationship?:;_; ... "Always", "Unconditionally" <3 nbsp="">
What movie?:"Friends with benefits" XD
What book?:P.S. I love you :3 (I wish!)
What statement?:"Even though we didn't make it through, I am always here for you" <3 nbsp="">
How much:
Do you love him?:More than anything.
Do you need him?:I feel peace when he's around me and everything is fine, so a Lot.
Do you care about him?:He means the world to me.
Do you want him?:A lot.
Do you want him to want you?:I want that the most.
Do you think he wants you?:Out of 100%... I don't want to comment on that. ;_;
What do you want to say about him?:He's amazing and nothing can change my mind about him.
Keep going..:No matter what anyone tells me, I love him and it won't fade. c:
Keep going..:He's the most sensitive, nice, sweet and caring guy I have ever met. I've never cried more for hurting someone so bad and regreting it. He's the best thing that could've happened to me.
Wow. beautiful. Do you ever write poetry about him?:Not poetry...
Do you call him on the phone?:i wish :c
Is he your boyfriend?:Shush your hole.
Do you think he'd ever just call you up to tell you how gorgeous you are?:Yeah...
Is he a romantic?:He can be:33
My names Kristin! BTW:Nice to meet you;3
Thanks for filling out my survey!::3
I love a guy named Ricky, do you think he likes me?:I'm sure he does!
Well, thanks and i hope the man of your dreams...:...
Falls in love with you!:I hope so too! :3
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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