
Showing posts from January, 2014

I am an infatuated cat lover

I was browsing through some photos and my phone and I found a few ! I spent an hour deciding on the frames btw and I just went with some crappy one. Usual me. Anyway! Look at my angel stretching her liiiiiittle arms and legs. :3!! MY LITTLE ANGEL! Isn't this the cutest thing in the world!?  ♥ I love my sea shells collection that will hopefully get b THE CUTEST SHIT EVER.  I'm a true infatuated cat lover...  A beautiful orchid...  Have fuuun with these things guys! :3

Day 30; Your highs and lows of this month

Lows;  Winter Winter holiday ended on the 20th Houston left for the US Air Force  Missing him non stop No Mike  Highs;  I at least had a winter holiday until the 20th  I got to see my friends I still have internet at home....  That's it. That'll be my 30 Day Challenge completed! Yey me!

Day 29; What kind of person attracts you

I'm sorry this is coming up so late, I was studying Biology. Anyway, what kind of person. I don't have preferences when it comes to looks except maybe I'm one of the rare people that like longer or stylish hair, like Anthony used to have or even now how he has. You know, theres HAIR on his head but he has cute bangs and such. I HONESTLY, stopped finding BLUE blue eyes that attractive. The most beautiful is warm brown but ofc it's not a preference. I don't understand this!! I like geeks and nerds, I like shy boys 'cause I usually like to be in charge of the situation. Like physically attracts me well, face is the first thing I see but  Ican't explain that.. I don't have preferences so. But character, well I've talked about that. :)

Day 28; A photo of you as a baby

I don't think I can do this... Not as a baby. But cute little me! :3I think I was 3-4 here... I don't know exactly but Im adorable! I've been told I look like a girl baby Harry Potter... ;_; Yey!

Refreshing my memory a little bit

Yes! I just had a sudden urge to visit PewDiePie's vids... And I was like... You know what? Not the new vids, I can watch those whenever and I have, every single one just, no. I want something old, the old Pewds. So I headed WAY back. 3 years ago way back!  When I first started out watching Pewds, I know my favorite playthroughs were definitely Amnesia; The Dark Decent of course, Penumbra Overture, Penumbra Black Plague and Nightmare House. :3  I can't choose from those but it is so refreshing watching some of these. Right now, Penumbra: BlackPlague - Part 2 - PENIS MONSTER! is in the background and it just ended. So part 3 - PUZZLE parts o_o!  Pewds looks so different!...Younger! And he has more blondie and more stylish hair! It is so nice! I've always loved Pewds and I remember I freaking CRIED, I CRIED GUYS when he posted his I'm on a break! video... I freaking cried and got pissed. Gad.  Usual Marija with her obsessions...

Day 27; Your zodiac sign and how it fits your personality

Alright, well my zodiac sign is an Aries and I honestly, sometimes I feel like I give this too much thought and importance, when it really doesn't mean all that much. It fits me like, 85% of the time.The most accurate horoscope I have read about myself is this one -> It's really good and I'll just go through it and tell you what's true, and what isn't. My strength keywords are not completely true, I am not that enthusiastic but I am in 85% cases optimistic. Actually, when I think about it, I am optimistic for the world, never for my own self. My weakness keywords are all true. I am really moody, I am very short tempered, self-involved I can be, depending who is involved, impulsive and impatient. Everywhere I read, it is said I make a generous and enthusiastic friend which I guess others can confirm if true, I just know I can be a good friend to someone if I want to be, but I can be selfish which is al

Day 26; Your opinion on cheating on people

Is there a person in this world that will say anything other than, BAD, WRONG, HORRIBLE, SELFISH?  What is there to say? It's wrong. Betraying someone's trust is like the most horrible crime, it ruins everything. Not only the relationship but the person. The person becomes more insecure, has trust issues afterwards, why do that to someone? Don't cheat, break up with them on Monday and on Monday or Tuesday night, bang the other girl/guy you wanted, but don't be in a relationship with someone and go around with someone else, while your partner relies on you. It's fucking WRONG and unforgivable. I would never forgive someone for cheating on me. Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice.  You choose to find someone else for your own reason you THOUGHT was justified. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT! Sure, getting together with someone else after two hours of your break up is in a way betrayal, I've had that happen to me but dude, why cheat ?!  It's gro

Brand spankin' new questions.

Brand spankin' new questions. Created by mickey-mouse and taken 2547 times on Bzoink


Should've known these walls would cave in. Should've never left my heart there on the line ,  'cause when the shit hit the fan all we ever had ended up lost in the fire. And now nothing's saved, nothing's gained. Was it all in vain?  'Cause I'm standing in the eyes of the storm and everything I've known is blowing away. I'm caught in hurricane. I'm leaving here dead or alive and I know that i'd be willing to feel the pain if it got me to the other side. 'Cause I only hurt , hurricane.  Yeah I can feel it hurt, hurricane. Remember how we were, we really were before this disaster came and tore us apart? It was the two of us, that was enough. The two of us, so in love. Till the wind of lies , the rain of cries , lighting strikes. And now we're standing in the eye of the storm and everything is gone. Nothing remains. I'm caught in hurricane.  I'm leaving here dead or alive and  I know that

Day 25; Tell us 5 places you wanna visit

Oh my god! There are so many many many places! :3 You guys all know how I was obsessed for a time with Kalel and Anthony and because of them, I have grown a wish to visit Tokyo! Or Japan in general but Tokyo specifically! Why... 'Cause it's so awesome! A few places that are absolutely beautiful and the culture is nice, everything is so awesome! I am not that big of a fan of anime and all that stuff, but I do adore kawaii stuff! :3 One of the things I would LOVE to visit is a specific thing in Japan and that is... are you ready?!  The Wisteria Flower Tunnel! Oh my god, it is so pretty! :3 I would love taking a walk under there! Also!  The Hitachi Seaside Park! This looks kinda creepy but beautiful! I wouldn't know what to do here honestly but take a walk and listen to music, it's so freaking majestic! One of the things I love about Japan!  Okay, so Japan/Tokyo is first! Second is England/London! One of my biggest fears is to go on the famous 'London eye&#

My lonely days are over. ♥

My lonely days are over. ♥ (True or False) Created by coffeeandcigarettes- and taken 103 times on Bzoink

Something fruit involved

Mom just came in my room and told me to close my eyes firmly and I did. She placed something in front of me and I didn't wanna open my eyes so I kinda just tried to "ransack" it with my fingers and there was something like, ickyyy... I was like, what the hell is this! She was like, open your eyes and I said I don't want to. I told her to close my eyes for me as I grabbed SOMETHING with my fork and she told me I did, I was scared to put it in my mouth but I did it!  Guess what it was?!  A sliced piece of orange! I right away said, "Oh! Fruit salad!" I love that, my favorite thing in the world! :3 Fruit! She actually did it 'cause we went to a "restaurant" look alike the other day and I ordered a fruit salad. Last time I was there I got a Fruit Cup that was with fruit and ice cream and whipped cream! It was really good and pretty! At the bottom, that's vanilla ice cream, in the middle there was I think oranges, pineapples, apples,

Day 24; A picture of an object which means a lot to you and why.♡

Okay, I only found one thing worth mentioning! :3 It is something that I will charish with me until I have my own kids, and maybe even after that. My best friend made it for me at the end of proom, like at the end of Junior High.  It's a pretty note book, with the heart she made all herself! People would say nothing about it is absolutely perfect but to me it is! It's filled with everything she ever had to say to me,all of her thoughts, fears for school ending, drawings of her and I, it's so beautiful! She gave it to me when we met one morning before school, I walked with her to her school. I walked back to my bus station and I could not read it on the way. I almost lost my way 'cause my face was buried in the notebook, I was smiling all the way there, I think people looked at me weird. I'm guessing, I didn't see them very well...  We have a picture together from proom but I don't wanna show that, many other people are in it behind it, that wouldn&

Day 23; A picture of you with family

Okay, this might sound crazy and just ridiculous but I don't have any picture with my dad, only with mom separately.  Here's my beautiful mommy. :3 I know plenty say I look just like her but everyone says that before they've seen my dad. Trust me, I'm all dad. x3  This was awhile ago, a few months ago, on her birthday! But it's the closest thing I've got. ;_; 

Day 22; 3 things you are proud of about your personality?

This is kinda hard for me, 'cause there aren't any things I think I'm PROUD off, maybe just like the quality. I can't think of anything at the moment but I'll do my best! Well First; I never judge things from only one aspect. I don't know if you understand me, but if I am facing any kind of problem, be it my own or my friend's or I'm giving advice, If someone wants a concrete advice, I will always look at all the possible possibilities and ways. I will always look out for someone, find their own kind of story and try to understand. I will never, if someone has a problem and they're being kinda "rude", so they tell me to stop talking to them or something without explaining or anything, many would say Well fuck you, he/she doesn't want to talk to me, I won't talk to them and they'd think like, I'm not saying hi again, he/she blew me off, I don't give a fuck. I'm not like that. I might get kinda surprised for like

Day 21; What are some little things that make you warm and fuzzy?

Oookay, okay. :3 Well, there aren't plenty of things but there are a few.  This might sound so freaking stupid, but whenever I'm in love or have a crush on someone, if that person even looks at me with a smile that I know was directed at me, it makes me so freaking happy, hopeful, warm and fuzzy. :3 Also! When I'm at home alone or not, doesn't matter but when I'm alone in my room and I have a big hangy sweater on or a nice warm jacket and am sitting and doing anything, I feel so comfortable and warm. If someone I care about starts talking to me and I'm just like chilling like that, snuggled up makes me feel so sweet. :3 I can't think of more important things... I guess I get warm and fuzzy when I get the food I want... It sounds so sick but it's true. Makes  me feel like a kid, yey! Foodzies! :3 When I cuddle/snuggle with someone... anyone. ;_; I think that's logical..! Okay! This is true! Ever since me and Houston got really really close, l

Day 20; 5 Turn on's and 5 turn offs.

Turn offs -smoking -drinking -gambling -too much of sports (obssession to watch) -dyed hair Turn ons; -perfume -longer hair (styled) -TOO PLAY or train something -neck kisses (cheeky) -singing!

Day 19; 10 ways to win my heart

Okay this is going to be hard... Btw, I know it may seem like Im asking for a robot, but you know what... Meet Michael, you'll get all I'm looking for! :3 Make me laugh! (Fun) This may sound weird, but the moment someone makes me laugh like, naturally, something in me flutters above in the sky. ;3 That sounds so cheesy but it's true. Of course, not every single guy but if I find you off the blank attractive and you make me laugh, you're headed for a good start to make me like you. Note!; I don't mean jokes like, Oh why did the chicken do that or how does the blonde do this and that, no! I hate those kinds of jokes! I understand them, I understand what they meant but I do not find them funny, unless you want a smirk out of me. Then alright. P.S. There has to be chemistry involved! Be nice! Do I need to talk about this? I think that's kind of obvious but there are some guys out there who find it to being a jerk will make a girl interested more. I'm not on

I don't wanna die

I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. No, I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to.  Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder. I told you once I'm the only one who holds her. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to. I look inside of myself  and try to find someone else.  Someone who's willing to die as to watch you crying for help. I know that blood will be spilled and if you won't, then I will. My grave will never be filled. It's either kill or be killed.  So let heaven be told that some may come, some may go. Where I'll end up I don't know but I ain't dying alone. I keep on asking the question can I be saved by confession. You see this blood on my hands , at least they're still reachin' to heaven. I got to pick up the pieces, I got

Day 18; A confession/secret of yours

Well fuck, I have no idea what to write. I don't have anything to confess that isn't SUPER SUPER SUPER private, or something about my parents which is not wise to talk about.  A secret... well If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it. :3 I guess... Here's a very small, insignificant, stupid confession.  Even though, I think I've always had a crush on Vuk and Marko from my class. Yes even Marko.  Marko was a sort of trouble maker and he was always messy and so obnoxious and gross with his friends, but he wanted to fit in and he wanted to impress other people with everything he can do. And he was really really handsome always to be honest. Vuk was just super cuuute and a brainiack! That kid is a true genius, I'm not even kidding. Easily could become our second Einstein! :3  I realized Marko isn't like that at all and he is a true freaking sweetheart in 4 walls after proom but of course, too little, too late. :)

Friends Soundtrack!

Friends Soundtrack Created by beeline29 and taken 44 times on Bzoink

Day 17; 5 things that irritate you about the same/opposite sex

Same freaking sex Dramatizing As in, when someone, especially in my class has a boyfriend, the moment something isn't up to their liking or expectations they momentarily find the need to dramatize about it, saying the guy has changed, she can't stand him anymore, he's too stressful (He makes her actually think for more than 10seconds) and so on and so forth. Leading up from that, Oh my god, I wanna break up with him, this is just too much... You've been together for a week... Let the guy breath. Selfishness When a guy does something bad, you have to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how he's wrong, how much he's an idiot, unfair, jerk, retard, asshole, how he needs to change and you have the balls of steel when you're sending that over a text, (Yet you admit you'd never be able to do it in person). He needs to apologize, you don't give a shit, it's his fault, you couldn't care less to find out if b

My own survey; I will love you like I've never been hurt

I will love you like I've never been hurt Created by bluezshadow and taken 17 times on Bzoink

Day 16; A picture of your handwriting

Okay... ;_; Okay so... PLEASE NOTE; I did not WORK on this, I did not try it out multiple times so it looks good... This is just me deciding to do the challenge at 2:30am and just writing it out and taking a picture... Stahp judging!  As I said, it can be a lot better. I wasn't trying.. but here you go! :3

Day 15, Write about something(s) you worry about a lot

Well, these is a few things.  First one the list is school. I'm scared of the future as it is and thinking the worst when it comes to school scares and worries me. Like, if I maybe fail a class, or worse, fail a year. I'm sure I won't fail a whole year, but as an example; Biology and stuff like Physics kick me in the balls! I'm not a bad student, at all but eeh.. I guess that's first. The second thing is my health. This will sound very stupid but especially in the past two years, I've had health and sort of, ''mental'' problems because of everything that is going on. Till this day I have some symptoms and sometimes I feel it's getting worse and worse. No one really knows about this as much as me 'cause I almost NEVER talk about my problems or anything that is going on with me. I always have this voice in the back of my head that I can take care of things myself and about myself on my own and I really do, but I still do not share i

Day 14; Put your IPod on shuffle, Tell us the first 10 songs that play

1. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking ball  ''I came in like a wrecking ball. I never hit so hard in love. All I wanted was to break your walls. All you ever did was wreck me. Yeah you, you wreck me''.  2. I hate everything about you - Three Days grace  ''I, hate, everything about you. Why do I love you?'' 3. Rihanna - Diamonds  ''I knew that we'd become one right away. Oh right away. At first sight I felt the energy of sunrise. I saw the life inside your eyes. So shine bright, tonight, you and I, we're beautiful like diamonds in the sky''. 4. Taylor Swift - You belong with me  ''Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me''.  5. The little mermaid - Kiss the girl soundtrack :3 ''You wanna kiss t

Top 5 ppl

Top 5 peoples Created by jesikamahri and taken 180 times on Bzoink Top 8:: 1.: Poroner 2.: Mary 3.: Kristina 4.: Michael 5.: Alex

A deer in the meadow

I was bored waiting for my dad to come back home and I honestly, I'm not kidding here, I wasn't feeling like sitting for the computer so, I decided to draw something. I wanted to draw an animal, 'cause I don't even like to practice humans and I took a deer shot!  It turned out QUITE well for my first time... Ok, I had some help with the body, 'cause I have the body on one of my notebooks but I still mostly drew the pose by myself and face! I'm proud of it. :3 I am so proud of it's face. I mostly like how I drew the ears. It's legs are all bent out of shape but it's fine for my first time. I didn't want to stop there so I thought of drawing a sort of meadow/park thing behind it... This is what I have so far;   That little thing in the back is supposed to be kind of like a half-circle wooden bridge that I know I need to work on but there is where I got stuck as well.  I don't want to give up on it so I'm going to keep t

Religion and a sprinkle of homosexuality

I am seriously pissed off at the moment. For two reasons that caught my attention just now when Alex took his survey. For him, who is probably reading this, I suggest you don't continue 'cause we don't agree on this and I am just sharing out MY opinion. (READ TILL THE END IF YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION OF PARTICIPATING IN THE CONVERSATION) What's this thing about people thinking homosexuality being a sickness or a disease? A disease?! Are you just hearing yourself? Are you fucking real right now? I'm sorry if I seem like I'm hating on people who do find it as that, but let's be real, I kinda am. You cannot say, you cannot say that you're okay with having friends with a different sexual group than you and say they shouldn't be respected 'cause it's a disease. People who said this will understand. You cannot do that, that is just pure discrimination of the person. I will not get into the fact if it as a ''disease'' or not, you&#

Day 13; Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.

I don't have piercings, much less tattos. But I think Americans find ear piercing in that category, obviously, but not even that. I used to, to like, 3 years ago but I didn't and don't like to wear earrings so I never did and my wholes just shut down on themselves. At least the back whole... Get your mind out of the gutter, no I'm not talking about my front or my anus, Jesus. ._.  I mean the whole on the back of my ear, geez. Other than that, nothing.  But on a side note, if we're talking about jewelry, I'm gonna say I absolutely love necklaces and rings. Maybe bracelets but I'm very very very picky on there, it has to be a specific kind for me to like it.  The only problem there is that I cannot wear bijouterie (Imitated jewelry), that leaves green, rusty stains on my skin 'cause the color wears off. People call that allergy but It's not a real one, I just can't wear them while many people can. It has to have a little bit of silver or go

Have I ever... with a guy

Have you ever...with a guy Created by lovebug88 and taken 1834 times on Bzoink

Come and be miiiine

Come and be miiiine Created by magvey13 and taken 14 times on Bzoink What are you doing at the moment?: Answering this, talking to the creator. :3 When was the last time you were kissed?: Mmm, like, maybe ten minutes ago! :3 Ever heard of Omegle?: Duuh Do you know someone named Christian is your life? Would you be with him?: Mmm..nope. I mean I don't know anyone Do you know someone named Michael in your life? Would you be with him?: Yeees, yes! Do you know someone named Josh in your life? Would you be with him?: Nou.. Do you know someone named Alex in your life? Would you be with him?: A few of them actually.. Mainly yeah! My brother is a no no no no. :3 Do you know someone named Joseph in your life? Would you be with him?: That sounds like Jesus.. No Do you maybe know someone named Marco in your life? Would you be with him?: Marco? Like Marko? I do and yeah! Not really a question, but i'll be checking, don't worry :) When you first kissed a guy, wh