Day 19; 10 ways to win my heart

Okay this is going to be hard... Btw, I know it may seem like Im asking for a robot, but you know what... Meet Michael, you'll get all I'm looking for! :3
  1. Make me laugh! (Fun)
    This may sound weird, but the moment someone makes me laugh like, naturally, something in me flutters above in the sky. ;3 That sounds so cheesy but it's true. Of course, not every single guy but if I find you off the blank attractive and you make me laugh, you're headed for a good start to make me like you. Note!; I don't mean jokes like, Oh why did the chicken do that or how does the blonde do this and that, no! I hate those kinds of jokes! I understand them, I understand what they meant but I do not find them funny, unless you want a smirk out of me. Then alright. P.S. There has to be chemistry involved!
  2. Be nice!
    Do I need to talk about this? I think that's kind of obvious but there are some guys out there who find it to being a jerk will make a girl interested more. I'm not one of those girls. What you do is what you get. 
  3. By being reasonable and logical! 
    You will find me so shallow right now but I'm not. I'm like that, really. I cannot be with someone or be even interested in someone as more than a friend without them at least thinking more deeply about ANY subject in life (School is not one of those things), and when you give them a subject that obviously needs more thought (unless you already have WELL THOUGHT OUT (meaning you've thought about it in different aspects than your own) opinions)), they just put it under the rug or give me a damn stupid argument without having any will to interrogate more. That does not work for me. Or when I wanna talk to a guy about something that's bothering me or I just want to share, think about what I am saying, but really do it with sense! It's alright if we just met and so on, if you've never done it but at least make an effort to if you want to continue the conversation, otherwise tell me you're not interested in the topic. Don't make me spell everything out for you EVERY TIME, that is just really really really frustrating and annoying and I'll lose will to talk to you further more on it.
    Many people either just don't let me finish my sentence and interpret the way they think it is. Stop, chill, that's not what I meant. Stop assuming and let me finish AND THINK.
  4. ON THAT NOTE!; Be open and honest! 
    I may seem so very shallow in the ''way'' above, but here's maybe an explanation.I do not mean open as, tell me everything about you, about your life (of course you can do that too if you realize you can trust me quite soon), I understand that's hard sometimes if you've had problems with it before but I mean, when someone get's to know me more, they will see they can trust me. And I want them to, in everything I've mentioned in the ''way'' above.
    Be open, as in, tell me the truth, how you really feel, what you really think, like me or not, I need you to tell me 'cause if you lie just to agree with me, I'll assume of course you agree, but that's just wrong, it's dishonest, you're lying to yourself mostly and me.
    It's easier for me then, to see who you really are and how you think. It goes for everything, don't lie to me
  5. ON THAT NOTE!; Keep your promises!
    I really like that! I would respect you a whole hell of a lot more if you tell me, I'll try but I can't promise anything, than to make a promise and not keep it. Be it small or big, doesn't matter. Don't make any promises you can't keep. A promise, means something. Also, small promises mean more to me. Little promises like, a guy is going to text me right away when he get's back home or anywhere, makes me smile more than a promise like, I'm going to buy you a brand new piece of expensive jewelry. Or something. 
  6. When a guy is protective!
    This is something I don't need and hopefully will never need in life, but it's so great when you just have it. I love that cute, relationship jealousy at the beginning (and it goes on through the whole relation) where the guy is naturally protective over his girl. (Me). :3 I don't need it as much as I want it and like it. I think it's unbelievably cute but no over-doing (too jealous, literally). :3
    Note!; I know this quality cannot show BEFORE the relationship actually begins, so when he is already my boyfriend, so how can I find it appealing? Because, I have a tendency to make guys my friends first and through that friendship, trust me, it's see through. For their friends, for their siblings, whatever. :3 
  7. Common interests! 
    This is important because it just makes things a lot easier and keeps the conversations more flowing. It's much easier if we, let's say, have the same taste in music. Especially from that, a lot of new subjects come along! :3
  8. ON THAT NOTE; A guy cannot be too judgmental. 
    Simply because I am not and I look at things very differently, from 2 million different aspects and perspectives and having that as a default would create fights day in and day out and I will not let that happen, EVER. I will not get into a relationship that is known to be right off the bat full of fights. c; 
  9. Don't give up!
    This might sound stupid, but this is actually important. Like, not on me but if I see you don't give up on things easily, you don't run from an argument easily, you wanna talk, you just don't give up easily and want to make things good and you stay whatever happens, that is SO attractive for me. If we're having a conversation, I get mad or something and you just don't get the act like, Whatever, she'll get over it soon enough and just leave me be, that is not good. I don't like that in guys. Be it even if a guy just hugs me, he just doesn't want to leave it at that, it's REALLY GOOD. :3
      10. Be punctual! 
        I hate to be kept waiting, I am so impatient when it comes to that. I don't mean five minutes, ten, I               mean everything over 15 minutes UNLESS there is traffic involved. That's not your fault so I                         understand that fully, but if you're playing a game and just don't want to move your ass, I will bitch                 slap you. ._.With love! Or, if say you're going to call, message me (including no ANY KIND                       problems or issues come up in between), at some time, do it THEN when you said it. 

Look, when someone keeps a promise or does something the moment you nicely asked them too,or they promise to text you at a certain time and the guy does it, it just makes ME think and realize. Like, in a meer of a second, Heey, he did text me. He said he would do it and he did, right at the time he said he would. I don't analyze it or anything as it may sound, but it's just two seconds to realize it and it makes girls smile, believe me. It makes them feel like you care. And the next time it just might, I am going to say this, its true, it just might be a LITTLE BIT of a test.
They really want you to text or do whatever they asked you do, but in the back of their minds, there will be a little note that reads; Will he be punctual this time around also? And if you are, makes ME (maybe some girls) chuckle. :3

BTW! All of the things I said, you would be so very very wrong if you were to say, "Woow, look at all the things she asks for! What does the guy get in return!? I bet not even 20% of it!". You would be so wrong.
This might sound ridicilous but I think those who live father away and would have to have a long-distance relationship with me, I work hard on my relationships. (Yes, long-distance ones are still TRUE relationships). Everything I ask for is automatically offered to you to. What you do is what you get. I mentioned that.
NOW; People like me, if I thought of that sentence, I would not stop there. I would go back and re-read and when I see the sentence I already have mentioned ''What you do is what you get'', I will stop and think, Hm, maybe she means that for everything.
I said that if you're a jerk, a girl jerk is what you will get. If you're nice, honest, all of the qualities, it's what you get people! :) 
I just felt I NEEDED to explain this and wanted honestly, while I have the nerves too.
I hope you understand and some ''ways'' are more clear now. :)

It might seem like i'm very very picky, but actually, I am when it comes to the things that are not very common nowadays. :)


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