Religion and a sprinkle of homosexuality

I am seriously pissed off at the moment. For two reasons that caught my attention just now when Alex took his survey. For him, who is probably reading this, I suggest you don't continue 'cause we don't agree on this and I am just sharing out MY opinion.
What's this thing about people thinking homosexuality being a sickness or a disease? A disease?! Are you just hearing yourself? Are you fucking real right now? I'm sorry if I seem like I'm hating on people who do find it as that, but let's be real, I kinda am. You cannot say, you cannot say that you're okay with having friends with a different sexual group than you and say they shouldn't be respected 'cause it's a disease. People who said this will understand. You cannot do that, that is just pure discrimination of the person. I will not get into the fact if it as a ''disease'' or not, you're just being fucking dumb if you think that, I'll leave that to your mind's rest.

On a side note, I need some clarification here.
How can you believe and not know why you believe? Or what you believe in?  Explain that to me, please. I am seriously confused.
Marija, why are you an atheist? I think I am able to write a novel about my reasons and explanations as to why or why not don't I believe in something or believe in MY own certain way, and I do that. I think I do that so much it pisses people off 'cause they think I'm lecturing them, no. Hate me if you want but I gave you my reasons you cannot defy. I am 99% sure you cannot tell me one fact that contradicts my own. Here's a good example, even though it's not half of what I'd have to say.
Religion - Atheism 
I think it shows a pretty damn well picture as to WHY AND HOW. When I ask you, why do you believe in God. Don't get me wrong, if you give me your own thought out definition and view, that is absolutely cool. We'll stay on that and I'll respect it, but if you give me one of the most dumbest reasons and one of them is; 'Why do you believe in God', 'Because... I don't even know, my parents taught me so', then we have nothing else to talk about. It's like you don't have a brain of your own to think with and think why am I even doing something when I don't know why or who for am I doing it? If you say that you don't give a shit and just do it 'cause everyone else in your family does it or it is expected of you, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go on and ask me why am I bashing on religion and lecture me how it's wrong when you yourself can't give me a reason why not to. PLUS I've never done that to you.
Why not to bash? 'Cause YOUR parents taught YOU to believe out of the blank? And you don't even fucking know what you're doing. To most people who are taught by their parents to believe, I feel like, they've been told, something like this;

See son/daughter, this is a 'chair'. It used for sitting, you can put something on it to make it look nice, you take care of it 'cause it can provide us with rest when our feet are tired and if we're not careful, it's legs might get a bit loose after awhile, and well, it's just something you need  to know and carry on and ''believe'' in.

See son/daughter, There's this thing (that you will never ever see or hear from) called a God. It's something that (in theory) provides us with assured help when we have our troubles in life and it (supposedly) helps us to find a good, holy and better road in life. You celebrate it and anything said by it or it's followers and well, it's just something you need to know and carry on and believe in.

That's how I see it. Now, DON'T GET ME WRONG, I still stand by my words;

''Being a religious person might tying to be a good person for you. Being atheist might tying to be smart or rational. At any given time there are bound to be religious people out there who are smarter than most atheists, OR atheists who are better people than most religious people.''

That is still true,  but as I see, there are also bound to be... Let me find the right word here, Uninformed or Unobservant religious people out there who still, even so, have a long tongue that needs to be cut. 

I'm sorry, I know I'm bashing a lot of people right now but this is my opinion on things. I'm not pointing out directly at anyone, please believe me, but this is my opinion, have it, say it, comment it sure, that's what I'm here for mostly. Don't think that just because I am open like this and have freedom of speech (to a certain level of course) that I don't have consideration for other people's opinions. On the contrary, if you tell me something that blows my mind away and I can't do anything BUT agree or maybe find compromise on, by all means, I will say that. You are absolutely right. :)


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