Come and be miiiine

Come and be miiiine
Created by magvey13 and taken 14 times on Bzoink
What are you doing at the moment?:Answering this, talking to the creator. :3
When was the last time you were kissed?:Mmm, like, maybe ten minutes ago! :3
Ever heard of Omegle?:Duuh
Do you know someone named Christian is your life? Would you be with him?:Mmm..nope. I mean I don't know anyone
Do you know someone named Michael in your life? Would you be with him?:Yeees, yes!
Do you know someone named Josh in your life? Would you be with him?:Nou..
Do you know someone named Alex in your life? Would you be with him?:A few of them actually.. Mainly yeah! My brother is a no no no no. :3
Do you know someone named Joseph in your life? Would you be with him?:That sounds like Jesus.. No
Do you maybe know someone named Marco in your life? Would you be with him?:Marco? Like Marko? I do and yeah!
Not really a question, but i'll be checking, don't worry :)
When you first kissed a guy, who pulled the first move?:Hee did. :3
Where did you go on the first date?:I've never had a real date..
Was it any good?::c
Did the guy pay for everything, or you had to pay for at least something?:>:c
What do you think of lions?:They're okii..
I know my Qs are boring, but hey! It's my first survey!
Which food do you like the most?:Mmm..Junk food x3
Have you ever been betrayed?:Yesh
Do you like your tea suggared up or normal?:Suggared up! Normal is too bitter
How do you react to bad news?:Depnds how bad and who and what theyre related to. Mostly just get pissed
Have you got any pets?:Yesh!!
If so, which?:Kitties!
Favourite dog breed?:Damn...Gold Retriever!
Favourite animal?:Mmm.. Jaguar, Cheetah!
Favourite fast food?:Mmm... Burgers!
Smart guys or athletes?:Why can't it be both, they can be smart and good students and be athlets.. D: But smart guys!
Artists or athletes?:Athletes!
Smart guys or artists?:What does smart mean?! Everyone is kind of smart. Artists!
Long haired guys or guys with short hair?:Aww maaan! :D You have to have a certain texture of hair and face to pull the long hair otherwise it looks lame but usually, longer hair! Like, not over your shoulders long, but stylish hair!
Favourite TV channel? (I'LL BE WATCHING >:D):TV channel? Disney :)
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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