My own survey; I will love you like I've never been hurt

I will love you like I've never been hurt
Created by bluezshadow and taken 17 times on Bzoink
Some booooring basics
What is your name? :):Marija :3
How old are you? :Im 15!
Relationship status? :Taken for sure! 100%! <333>
Lets talk about some friiends
How many friends would you say you have? :Plenty.. At least not a little.
Do you have a best friend? :I do!
Her or his name? :Kristina & Mary!
Is it easier to be friends with more guys or girls? :I don't know anymore.. I think guys.
Do you argue with your best friend? :Not really.
Why are you two best friends? :They've always been there for me.
How long have you known them? :9 years! :3
Did you like each other right away? :Nou.. o.o
Do you like to have a large group of friends or a few close friends?:Few close friends :3
Have they ever hurt you? :Not really.
Have you ever hurt them? :I have Kristina :c
Who is the craziest of all your friends? :Craziest? Kristina... x3
The funniest? :Houston! :3
The most creative? :Kristina, Mikey! <3 d="">
The most perverted? :Me... Then Kristina! :3
Are you perverted? :Yes!
Are you open with all of your friends? :Not ALL of them.
Have you ever asked for personal/intimate advice from a friend? :Not really.. Im always the one giving the advice.
Would you? :Yes!
To who do you go to first when you have a problem? :Mom and dad actually, then my friends. :3
Do you have more girl or guy friends? :Girl..
Is that how you like it or is it easier the other way around? :I don't know ;_;
What do you most like doing with your friends? :Eating! :3
Have you ever went on Omegle with your best friend? :Nou!
Would you? :Nou... O.o
How open is your best friend? :Very! With me at least.. :3
What is the biggest fight you've had with your best friend? :With Marija, I have never been, with Kristna, it lasted for a year and a half :c
How long did it last? :^^
Was it hard to kiss and make up? :Sort off...
What would you do if your best friend got hurt? :I'd get really scared and freak out.. Depending on the scale of hurting.
You're sucha good friend! :Thanks ;)
Let's talk about love!
How's life treating ya when it comes to love? :It's cruel.. so cruel right now...
Do you have a crush and what her/his name if you do? :Crush!? Yesh...
Of course you do, everyone has a CRUSH.
Is it still a crush or are you slowly falling in love? ;) :Falling in love!
How old is she or he? :18! :3
Do you hang out often? :Nou... :C
When is the last time you were out? :Yesterday!
What is the best thing about him/her? :Everything!
Would you change anything about him/her? :Maybe.. little small things. :3
What is their best feature? :Eyes, always!
Have you ever fought with her/him? :Yesh...
Are you planning to do anything about it? :Yes! Am right now!
Do you have a date planned anytime soon? :Nou ;_;
Have you ever been on a date before? :Nou..
If you have; How was it and where? :-
If you didn't; Are you nervous when you think about it? :Yes!
Have you ever made anyone you've liked cry? :Yeah..... :c
Have they made you? :Yesh. :c
Have you ever had a first kiss? :Yesh1
If yes; How was it and with who? :It was so kawaii! ^///^! And it was with my first bf, Pavle!
Have you ever liked anyone who's name starting with the letter H? :Yesh!
J? :Mmm..Nope
O? :Nope..
M? :Yesh!
T? :Yesh!
What is the most important quality in someone to make you like them?:Make me laugh or smile..:3
What is a big turn off for you in a guy/girl? :Smoking..ew!
Would you let your bf/gf influence you into anything? :I wouldn't date anyone who would have anything bad to influence me into
Drinking alcohol? :Fuckno.
Smoking? :No.
Would you try to change that if your gf/bf did it?:If he started during the relationship, I would try but if he didn't want to, I wouldn't want to be with him anymore.
Have you ever had sex? :Nou
Are you planning to anytime soon? :Nou..
Have you ever done anything pervy with someone? :Yesh....... D:
Would you? :Yes! :3
(Female) Has a guy ever slapped your butt? :COUNTLESS times.. :3
(Male) Has a girl ever grabbed your package? :... ;)
This turned into more sex and pervyness than love
Do you have any pets? :I do! :3
If you do, what do you have?:Kitties!
What is the last thing you bought? :Mmm...I think, I went grocerie shopping!
Drank? :Coke!
Ate?:I don't know what its called..
When is the last time you have been somewhere outside of your country? :Two years ago!
Will you go anywhere for the summer? :I hope so, Greece! :3
What is the best summer song you know? :I don't know..
What is the saddest song you've ever heard? :There's too much... maybe Daddy.. the most disturbing.. ;__;
What is the last song you listened to? :The way that you do by Ross!
Are you listening to something right now?:I am hearing Kalel and Anthony! :3
Have you ever fell asleep in tears? :Yesh..
Have you ever cried tears of joy? :Yes!
When is the last time something or someone made you happy? :I think.. I don't remember. :c It's been that long..
What happened? :Fcuk you!
What would you do;
If you found out your best friend just got diagnosed with depression?:I'd get worried and be there for her non stop..
If you found out you're failing a class? (if you attend school) :Cry and freak out! Ofc get my grades up.
If your crush told you no on being with you? :...WHAT!?!?!
If your bf/gf just broke up with you? :Wha- Why..?
If someone very close to you or family commited suicide? :Cry...
If (male) someone kicked you in the balls in the middle of the street? :-
If someone threathed to hurt you or give you problems? :Depends who and who old is the person.
If you found out someone threathened your closest friend or crush? :^^But id step in!
If you ate something expired and found out later? :Get in da bathroom
If your crush came to you and told you she/he loves you? :Hehehe, I know! Love you too!:3
If your crush proposed to you? :Babe... yes! But the marriage is going to have to wait!
If you had to choose between your best friend and crush? :Best friend... ;_;
Religion and beliefs
Do you believe in God? :No.
Why?:I refuse to believe something I have never or will ever see in my life is making my life better and is responsible for everything good in life. If anything good or bad is going to happen it will be exclusevely because of myself, my own doing, my decisions, EVERYTHING OF MINE.
Do you judge people for their choice of religion? :Not really.
Would you throw a good friend away because he doesn't have the same belief?:No.
Have you ever? :No
What is your opinion on Greek mythology? :Its awesome and it actually makes more sense than this bullshit Serbian CRAP.
Do you go to church? :Hhahah no.
Do you believe that homosexuality is wrong? :FUCK NO!
Why? :'Cause it is not! Love is love, taste is taste! Go fuck off and suck on what your taste prefers!
Are you bi, straight or gay? :I always thought bi but straight I guess..
Is religion important to you? :No.
Did you make the choice on your own or because your parents tought you so? :On my own, my parents gave me the choice to choose on my own.
Are your parents believers? :My mom doesn't believe, she's an atheist but she still loves Christmas because it's so warm and fuzzy and dad is an atheist as well. :3
Do you believe in fate? :I guess
Do you believe everything happens for a reason? :Yesh
In love at first sight? :I believe in lust at first sight :)
Depressions problems
Have you ever been depressed? :Yes
What kind of depression? :Dysthymia
Do you know anyone that is depressed? :Yeah
Do you stay away from people who are depressed? :No
Have you ever had poblems in you your life with family? :I guess yeah
Ever been bullied? :Phsyically no, mentally yeah, over the internet
Ever bullied? :Yes, I bullied bullies.
Have you ever seen someone get bullied and not help? :No.
Would you help? :Yeah
Hopes for the new year
Are you pessimistic or optimistic about 2014? :PESSMISTIC.
Why so? :I got a hunch.
Do you think it will be better than 2013? :I HOPE SO, it can't be worse... I HOPE.
What was the best year of your life? :2012... <3>
Worst? :2008-9, 2013.
What will you do after you take this survey? :HOPEFULLY sleep..
How are you feeling right now? :NEUTRAL, absolutely neutral. I don't feel sleepy at all, all I feel is my butt going numb. xD
What size shoe are you? :39. :3
Can you twerk? :Probably... XD
Do you like Miley Cyrus's new look? :No!
Have you ever liked her or listened to her songs? :Yes yes!
Do you still? :Some are OKAY...
What are your favorite music genres? :Rock, punk-pop!
Least favorite? :Bluez,Jazz, Hiphop!
What category do you fall into? (nerd, geek, dork, popular junkie?) :Neither... O.O Ask my friends.
What is your crush's favorite music? :Rock! :3
I hope I didn't bore you too much... :Naaaaaah. :3
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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