Day 25; Tell us 5 places you wanna visit

Oh my god! There are so many many many places! :3 You guys all know how I was obsessed for a time with Kalel and Anthony and because of them, I have grown a wish to visit Tokyo! Or Japan in general but Tokyo specifically! Why... 'Cause it's so awesome! A few places that are absolutely beautiful and the culture is nice, everything is so awesome! I am not that big of a fan of anime and all that stuff, but I do adore kawaii stuff! :3 One of the things I would LOVE to visit is a specific thing in Japan and that is... are you ready?! 
The Wisteria Flower Tunnel! Oh my god, it is so pretty! :3 I would love taking a walk under there! Also! 
The Hitachi Seaside Park! This looks kinda creepy but beautiful! I wouldn't know what to do here honestly but take a walk and listen to music, it's so freaking majestic!
One of the things I love about Japan! 
Okay, so Japan/Tokyo is first!

Second is England/London! One of my biggest fears is to go on the famous 'London eye'! o_o Jesus, but I would conquer this fear! London is by its own so beautiful and interesting! The buildings, how they're formed, built, THE PEOPLE. I would love if I could spend an enough amount of time so I pick up on a little of their gorgeous, sexy British accent. :3

So many beautiful places... The Buckingham palace! One of them as well!

I can only imagine what it's like on the inside, I mean look at this!
The third place is Germany!
Do I even need to say more...? It's such a beautiful place, the people are awesome. I don't like their language but oh my god, the cities, the country itself is wonderful and full of wonderful traditions.
All of the castles in the country! ;3
The Hohenzollern Castle, the castle in Bavaria... Oh my god, I forgot the name. The Neuc-something castle... Neuschwanstein castle or in English, The New Swanstone castle! The Charlottenburd Palace! :3
The famous street in Bonn! Oh my god, I found out about this a few days ago even!
When everything flourishes! 

When it's most likely other seasons, but it's still beautiful!
It's so freaking beautiful... Germany is freaking known for its castles and palace's, everything in there is with a lot of style and kingdom style styled. If that makes sense... but you'll get me. THE BLACK FOREST! Oh my god yes! I forgot about that! :3
I think everyone expect this! France, all together!
The Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe, The Louvre museum, Disneyland and all the rides, Chambord Castle; Val de Loire, the beaches, sea! Many other things and the place itself screams BEAUTY AND ROMANCE.
The Eiffel tower
The Louvre museum 
Arc de Triomphe

Chamborn castle!
The sea!
And the fifth! GREECE! With any luck I will see their beautiful beaches next year!
But oh my god, every time someone mentions Greece, I can't not think about the time of Zeus, people using a nail and a hammer to carve down words into a stone, old sculptures of buildings, famous warriors, of the the Greek Mythology gods! Especially Athens!
The beaches are gorgeous!
The White town Lindos in Rhodes Islands
Oh my god! Odeion of Herodes! 
The  Parthenon!
Everything of this amazes me! :3 


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