Brand spankin' new questions.

Brand spankin' new questions.
Created by mickey-mouse and taken 2547 times on Bzoink
Could you go an entire month without talking to your best friend?:Probably. ;_;
Would you rather have an old classic car or a brand new car?:Brand new..
Do you celebrate Grandparents day?:That exists?
What mall do you shop at most often?:I don't shop at malls that often...
Do you dislike any of your friends parents?:Yes actually.
What flavor Tic Tacs are your favorite?:Orange! :3
Do you think Hawaii really is a dream vacation?:Yes...
What was/ is your favorite elective in school?:Gradjansko! :3
Do you have a nickname that only your family calls you?:"Macko!" :3
Yes or No: Guys wearing pink?:Maybe... Depends what piece of clothing is it.
Yes or No: Girls with full-sleeve tattoos?:NO.
Do clowns scare you?:Yes actually... They're creepy.
Do you think you're going to be a cooler parent than yours are?:I hope so.
Have you ever been to a skating rink?:Yes!
Do you own a pair of rollerblades?:Yes.
Which is better: New Years EVE or New Years day?:New years eve.
Do you have any cheesy love songs on your iPod/ MP3 player?:Yes. :3
Did you watch the 08 Summer Olympics?:No. :)
Do you REALLY laugh out loud EVERY time you type 'LOL'?:Not OUT LOUD all the time but I do laugh, 'cause I hate using that if I don't.
What was the best thing about Middle school?:Everything...
Did you have a Valentine this year?:I think so...
Do you think it would be cool to direct a film?:Direct? Nah.
Does your house have a porch swing?:No. ;_;
Do you draw on your shoes/ clothes?:No?
Before myspace & favebook was created what did you do on the internet?:I didn't use the Internet then, only Paint, haha.
Yes or no: Black lipliner?:Yes.
Yes or no: Glitter eyeshadow?:No, for myself.
What is one thing you and your mom NEVER agree on?:NEVER? Beauty upon certain people.
When you think of Madonna, what song comes to mind first?:Toxic and then Not a girl, not yet a woman.
Do you drink Faygo?:What?
Have you ever snuck food into a movie theater?:Yes.
Have you ever sent a picture of yourself from your cell phone?:I don't think I have.
What time zone are you in?:GT+1, I believe.
Have you ever been to a farm?:No...
When was the last time you had a staring contest?:I think it has been months and months. In Middle school.
Honestly, have you ever trespassed? Where?:I don't think so.
How interested in politics are you?:Zero interest.
Do you ever go to your mom for advice?:Yes.
What is something that is the same color as your eyes?:Nothing... A swamp maybe. :D
Can you count to 10 in any other language? Which one(s)?:Yes, German. :3
Have you ever been caught skipping class by a teacher?:Yes... My English teacher in Middle school and guess what? She laughed, "Which class girls?" "Geography", "Hold on, let me see when she leaves."... "She's gone now. Go, but be careful so she doesn't see you. III could get in trouble ;)". "No problem!" I love you Tamara! <333 td="">
Do you usually plan the activities you do on vacation ahead of time?:Naah, that's not fun.
Do you have a favorite cousin? Who is it?:Nope.
How many times have you moved in your life time?:Three.
Have you ever had a black eye? How did you get it?:I don't think I have.
Do either of your parents have tattoos?:Hell no.
Do you have any idea where Gambia is located on a map?:No...
Which was better: freeze tag or hide & go seek?:Freeze tag!
Have you ever taken a family portrait?:No. :)
Have you ever had toilet paper stuck to your shoe?:Actually no.
How dramatic is your family?:My mom is incredibly.
What pizza place do you usually order from?:I don't eat pizza...
Do you hold your breath when you drive by graveyards?:No...?
Are there any scars on your body that are the result of your own stupidity?:Interesting way of asking this.
For your birthday do people buy you a cake or bake you one?:Bake!
Are you afraid of needles?:Yes actually.
Do you think that you have a guardian angel?:No, I am one. :)
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground?:Swings!
Did you forget anybody's birthday this year?:Yes...
Is Starbucks really as good as people make it out to be?:I wouldn't know.
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