
Showing posts from February, 2014

Another music shuffle? I like'em

Another Music shuffle? I like 'em ;) Created by thiscrazedfan and taken 622 times on Bzoink

It was as though the survey knew!

[iPod Shuffle] Created by mrsedwardcullen and taken 387 times on Bzoink Stick Your iPod On Shuffle - You Know The Drill ;) Write The Name Of The First Song As The First Answer, Then Move On! Today You feel:: Gonna get this! Your New Myspace Name Is Going To Be:: Wanna play? xD You Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night When You Heard Someone Shout:: Round and round! When The Aliens Abducted You, They Told You:: The second that you say... The Reason Behind Your Next Argument Is:: Sick of you! This Is Why People Love You:: The waiting one This Why Some People Don't:: Quiet {Wtf!} What You Do On A Friday Night Is:: Bang bang!? You Find Out You're Pregnant And Say...:: Call me maybe!? The Police Arrest You For:: Diamonds... You Won The Kareoke Contest By Singing:: Best of me Your Best Friend Stabbed You In The Back And You Said...:: Beograd. You Quit Your Job Because:: Falling in love This Is Why You Screamed Last Night:: Every time we touch... Your F

I'm tired of being what you want me to be.

i'm tired of being what you want me to be. Created by sarr03 and taken 122 times on Bzoink

Chicken Invaders!

This little game brings back so many memories! I ran into it while looking at... I don't know what I was looking at, at that time but I got a huge craving to play it once again! I used to, like, 3-4-5 years ago when it was really popular but after awhile forgot about it. I've tried 1,2 and 3 but I don't like them at all, they're not at all what I was looking for so I tried out 4: Ultimate Omelette and that's the part I know! It's so silly but so fun at the same time. Poroner was like, "Play a game, you know the best thing they do is get your mind out of reality for awhile and just relax you, a real one" and what do I do? I choose popping chickens. :3 


�Countdown� Created by lbp116 and taken 89 times on Bzoink ♦10 Things That Are In Your Room♦ 1.: My big bed! 2.: Laptop! 3.: Books 4.: Posters 5.: My closet 6.: A lot of color pencils! A lot! 7.: A framed flower picture! 8.: Chips 9.: Earphones 10.: My phone ♦9 Of Your Favorite Movies♦ 1.: Lord of the rings trilogy :3 2.: The Hobbit (soon to be) trilogy :3 3.: Dirty Dancing! 4.: Cyberbully 5.: Ghost 6.: Shrek trilogy 7.: Lion King! 8.: 101 Dalmations 9.: Scooby Doo :3 ♦8 Of Your Favorite Bands♦ 1.: Breaking Benjamin 2.: Hollywood Undead 3.: Simple Plan 4.: RED 5.: For all those sleeping 6.: Backstreet Boys 7.: Evanescence 8.: Three days grace ♦7 Favorite Songs♦ 1.: Well fuck...At the moment.. The douche song! 2.: Black Dahlia 3.: Show me the meaning of being lonely 4.: You don't see me 5.: You suck at love 6.: Far away 7.: Anthem of the angels ♦ 6 Favorite Lyrics♦ 1.: 'You aren't alone, just know that I

Early in the morning

I hate being up this early but I at least went to bed at 9:30! You guys. So I'm pretty fine, just really hungry haha. I'm getting ready for school and I have to leave as soon as I write this, so need to wrap it up. I have a teacher class at 7:30 so... Ugh. I just realized I took off my nailpolish on my left hand and not on the right one...EW! Anyway, I gotta go now! Have a goood morning everyone! Hoping this day is any productive!

First place!

I got the results of my English competition today, I got first place! I got really happy and my teacher told me she was delighted with my work and knowledge. If only she knew I knew all of that LONG AGO. I got From 100% of it I got 99%...Gad! The biggest point was 40, I got 39 and the part I love the most! I did every single question except THAT ONE, I just left it 'cause I wasn't 100% sure I would do it right, BUT if I had tried at least I had 50 50 for it to be right! I could've had 40 points, I wouldn't lose anything but this is amazing as well! I'm pleased and proud! :3 

Baby don't cut

She's only 17, her whole life's ahead of her. She hates school because the people there discredit her. Her boyfriend tries to show that's not how it seems. But everyday she just get's lowered with her self esteem. He let's her know that every night will have a brighter day. She's even tried to overdose and take her life away. She's feeling hopeless there, just sitting down beside her bed. And then he takes his hand and places it beside her head. He tried to hold her but with every touch she still resists. And then he sees the scars that bury deep within her wrists. She's feeling numb, he tries to beg and plead and ask her why. She says this way she has control of pain she feels inside. He's asking her how long it's going since you felt this. Way because you got me here just feeling so damn helpless. She says it's been awhile, I guess I needed better luck. And then he screams at her and tells her baby never cut. Nobody seems

My favorite cups

Don't you just love how I placed them on my very cute shell-covered (not necessarily) jewelry box. :3 I needed the angle so you can actually see the cups but the reason they're my favorite and I always drink out of them is; The first one has Widder written out on it which means Aries in German and that's my sign, obviously. It's just kind of nice and symbolical off something I feel. The other one is just incredibly cute and just nice. It has a different texture on it, it can't be seen on a picture, it can be felt. The blue area feels like it has a matt finish and then the flowers and everything else is just shinny ceramic. It's pretty. ^_^ Dad knows they're mine and no one else uses them, they're usually in my room anyway. Clean or not. Just as he has his big and long cup that fits his coffee amount just right 'cause for him, this cup of mine is little. :3  Anyway! I just wanted to share! P.S. For those who care, I did my English competiti

Some boring ''news''

Hellow everyone! Just to update a little even though no one cares. All I can say I've been up to was related to school and maybe just a little of fun on the side and a little drama with my drear friends. I remember I met Bojana's boyfriend like a week or so ago, even before my last post. We spent literally all day together and then she and I went to the Blok practice and we actually made it! We got lost for awhile, but we made it! Petar is great, a little of my own style but she's happy so that's all that matters. What else? I can't even remember right now! I got into the school English competition once again! The teacher practically put me on the list, barely asked me but my reaction was an instant YES, I really want to. It can't go back in anyway. :3 It's tomorrow at 12:45 and our classes this week start at 14h... It will take at least half an hour and I'll have a whole hour to wait until, guess which class? English class...Hahah.  I also fixed my

Circles, The Diary, Black Dahlia

Take my hand, let's go somewhere we can rest our souls.  We'll sit where it's warm. You say look, were here alone. I was running in circles. I hurt myself, just to find my purpose. Everything was so worthless , I didn't deserve this. But to me you were perfect. I'm scattered through this life. If this is life I'll say goodbye. She's gone like an angel with wings , let me burn tonight. I was running in circles. I hurt myself, just  to find my purpose. Everything was so  worthless ,  I didn't deserve this. But  to me you were perfect. I see me writin' on this paper, praying for some saviour. Wishing to intake and save her in a world so, so godless, so thoughtless. I don't know how we wrought this, all the love that you brought us. It feels like I'm killing myself , just willing myself, just to pray for some help. I'd give it all just to have, have your eternity 'cause it's all that assures me. It's worth a

Some quite intersting facts

I found them over Twitter and each time I googled it appeared to be true... Some are quite... odd and some I didn't know. In real life, Russi Taylor {the voice of Minnie Mouse} was married to Wayne Allwine {the voice of Mickey Mouse} :3 If you had 1 billion dollars and spent $1,000 a day, it would take you 2,749 years to spent it all.  In the Bible, God sent two bears to murder 42 children because they had mocked a bald man. Haha, some generous, caring and understanding God and church. Right? :3 One in 5,000 babies are born without an anus.  If you search for 241543903 in Google images, you will find a lot of pictures of people putting their heads in refrigerators.  There's a lake named Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, located near Webster, Massachusetts. If you Google 'zerg rush', Google will eat the search page. {its true!} The filling used in Oreo cookies was originally made from pork fat.  Smarter people tend to be more open-minded and ac

Just spreading the love

You tell me which is the cutest...

Look both ways before you cross the street

Look both ways before you cross the street Created by rawrmeansiloveyou and taken 72 times on Bzoink

Mark Crilley as inspiration

Okay, I think you should all know if you already don't about a famous YouTube-r slash Comic book drawer and I believe writer. I'm not a very good fan haha. I cannot put into words at how beautiful and realistic and just all together AMAZING this man's drawings are and how much of talent and skill he's got. It's remarkable to me, I have never seen anything like this. I am going to show you some art and a link to the video. First of all his YouTube channel;  You will not regret this, trust your old dear friend Marija.   I can just go on and on how amazing these are. I'm just gonna show you a few I truly find amazing... This actually makes me really uncomfortable...  This is a painting There are so many other ones guys, but I truly cannot show each and every one but this man inspires me. I think the ones that read my blog know I am impatient so I don't have the patience to take hour

Marija comes to the rescue!

 Oh my god, today has been hectic... Yes, I (and my dad) saved a kitty today! For days I have been hearing a kitty meowing and meowing and meowing for days and today I finally saw her but she ran from me. I thought I'd leave her alone for awhile but after like ten minutes, I heard again that desperate meowing, asking for help and I ran to the basement and the kitty was just sitting there looking at me COVERED in grease! But that bad grease, that is dangerous for it's tiny little body. I called dad immediately and we right away took her upstairs and jumped her in the shower and I was so surprised she was so calm. Of course she was, she was afraid for her own life, she took any help someone offered. We showered her and showered and showered, the grease WOULD NOT come off 'cause we didn't have that specific shampoo for cats or anything, so we tried to dry her afterwards, we did all we could, tried to feed her and she did for awhile but she was like, in a trauma or so

May as well accept it Valentine's Day is coming

May as well accept it Valentine's Day is coming Created by cheddarsox and taken 16 times on Bzoink


Let me start off by saying that I am the kind of person that will lose interest in things that everyone is raving about too much and too hard. One of the reasons I didn't like Minecraft or Diablo, I just got sick of them after awhile, no matter how truly GOOD the game is. I feel like people get fangirly over games and shows just as Bieber's fans are; It get's really annoying. It's such an ignorant thing to do I know, but I'm sorry, I don't like it. I will in spite dislike it.  Which leads me to another point. I know next to nothing about the Pokémon game or about Pokemons in general after 2003-5 maybe. All the Pokémon I truly know and that were in the show THEN were like, Pikachu of course, Charmander, Charizard,Squirtle, Clefairy, JigglyPuff and many more but from the 700 there are now, I know less than 100 truly. I used to love and watch the show when I was little and I remember very few things about it. I only know Ash and maybe a few characters. But

Infatuated cat lover

I can't get over their cuteness, of kitties or animals in general. I truly don't understand people who just plainly don't like animals at all. I don't get that logic and I will never be able to understand what goes inside someone's mind when they see something as so innocent and pure and just fucking adorable as a kitten, puppy, penguin, hedgehog, a little freaking mouse, not a rat, a mouse, a porpoise, guinea pig...  I understand that someone doesn't like inscets or animals like snakes. Those may be somehow majestic in their own twisted way but they are animals that should be feared to a certain level, but a kitten?  How much of a cold heart can you have to not at least feel compassion for a kitten? MANY people don't like grown adult cats and I can I GUESS understand that, but I have a friend who said he doesn't like cats at all, they even scare him! He was afraid of my cats as well and he like, ran away from them practically and they felt it.