Infatuated cat lover

I can't get over their cuteness, of kitties or animals in general. I truly don't understand people who just plainly don't like animals at all. I don't get that logic and I will never be able to understand what goes inside someone's mind when they see something as so innocent and pure and just fucking adorable as a kitten, puppy, penguin, hedgehog, a little freaking mouse, not a rat, a mouse, a porpoise, guinea pig... 
I understand that someone doesn't like inscets or animals like snakes. Those may be somehow majestic in their own twisted way but they are animals that should be feared to a certain level, but a kitten? 
How much of a cold heart can you have to not at least feel compassion for a kitten? MANY people don't like grown adult cats and I can I GUESS understand that, but I have a friend who said he doesn't like cats at all, they even scare him! He was afraid of my cats as well and he like, ran away from them practically and they felt it. They tried to calmly jump on him and show him they just want to give him love but no.
He came one day to my house right at the sunrise of my baby angels just started walking and from then on, he likes them... You can't not know what it feels like to hold a baby kitten and not love them still. I just don't understand that.
I'm a crazy cat lady and I don't know whether I am proud of that or not, I just know I am.
Animals are all for me. I truly believe animals do love people, and yes even cats. 
Cats love people as well. Cats bond more to the environment they live in if they like it, MORE than for their master and that's where they differ with dogs. Dogs are just the opposite. But a cat? 
A cat is like a smart human being. Cats are sneaky and resourceful, independent. What you do to them is what they give you. If you love them, they will love you. And by love, show them love and feed them because you love them and know they have to eat. If you treat them like shit, they will turn their little butt hole and proudly walk away 'cause they don't need that. And no animal knows how to lie. They will never lie, they will tell you everything with their actions and eyes. 
For ME? It's a little different. MY relationship with cats is a little different. My cats, even if I was really bad to them a couple of times and I literally forgot...I FORGOT to feed them for like a week! I feel horrible saying this but I was in a shitty place but it's what happened. My cats didn't do anything but came to me to support me. I was crying and my cat came to me and licked my cheek and laid literally on the edge of my neck and just purred. I can't explain it but cats love me. Maybe it's because I love them so much but I think it's an art form. :)


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