Look both ways before you cross the street

Look both ways before you cross the street
Created by rawrmeansiloveyou and taken 72 times on Bzoink
Ready for randomness?
Do you have any patients?:Very rarely :3
Did i spell that last word right in the question above?:Yes.
Do you know the muffin man?:No ;w;
Do you like cats?:YES! <3>
Are you cold?:Right now? No.
What celeb do you wanna meet?:Orlando Bloom...:3
Do you go all out for the superbowl?:No..? ;w;
You have a Twitter?:Yes!
Have you been to one of those giant candy stores?:No ;w;
If you got to be on any tv show, what would it be?:Two and a half men:3
Do you go bowling?:No, I have never..
There's a huge spider on your bedroom wall, do you kill it or freak out?:Freeze... xD
Have you ever doubted yourself?:Yes
What phone do you have?:Samsung..
Can you handle a baby's cry?:No ;_;
Dont you love it when you find money in your pockets?:Haha yes!
What's your opinion on all these reality shows?:I don't have an opinion.
Which accent do you think is the coolest?:British!:3
Have you ever heard someone say: i gotta pee like a race horse?:No hahah :D
What's your plans for this weekend?:Nothing ;w;
Do you know the spongebob theme song?:No...
Does it bother you when people wear those adidas slip on with no socks?:Yes!
Your biggest pet-peeve?:Loud eating...
What shoe size do you wear?:37:3
Do you wanna be buried or creamaid when you die?:Buried.
Do you like to take tons of pics with your friends?:Sometimes, when i feel pretty.
What do you do when your bored?:Do this..
Favorite animal at the zoo?:At the zoo? Leopard,kangaroo :3
Finish this: Jack and Jill went up the hill....:to fuck..
Know anybody named Susie?:No ;w;
How about Chelsea?:Nope..
No, what about Andrew?:No ;w;
Are you one of those people who obsess over their weight?:Nope!
Ke$hia is trash, agree or disagree?:No opinion.
Your first word as a baby?:''Money'' B)
Are you a reader or a writer?:Writer!
Did you wake up to a "Good Morning" text today?:No ;w;
Dont you love when you do?^:I wouldn't know. ;_;
Would it be cool to swin in pudding or jell-o?:You can't swim in jell-o. xD
Do you recycle?:Nope..
Give me you best insult::Why would I? D:
Can you say your happy with your life?:Nope
Have you ever faked to be sick to get out of something?:Yeah, when I was little haha
Are you generally caring?:Yes
Are you more of a quitter or a never give up person?:Somewhere in between
Everyone has done a form of cyberbullying: true/false?:True
What's the weather like outside?:Kinda grey 'cause a little bit of rain fell but its okey!
Which is better: Finding Nemo, Happy Feet, Monsters Inc. or Shrek?:I only know about Shrek and Finding Nemo but Shrek...I think ;-;
Which is scarrier: a documentary or a "true based" horror film?:True based, 'cause then you see what all kind of people are out there or were.
Or are they the same?:Both are scary but true based should be feared more. xD
Do you believe in aliens?:Sort off. :)
Have you ever saw the movie "The Fourth Kind"?:No ;w;
If so, did you believe it was real?:-
Let's see if this works, scrow down slow!:Okay :3
Now pick a number between 5 and 12!
Did you pick 7?:I thought of it at first!! I swear but I choose 4 :D
Another one: scrow slow and dont look down at the next question until so!
Now repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 sec.
QUICK!!! Think of a vegetable!!
Did you think of a carrot?:No...Hahahha x3
Haha i hope it worked, if it did it's pretty cool huh?
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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