May as well accept it Valentine's Day is coming

May as well accept it Valentine's Day is coming
Created by cheddarsox and taken 16 times on Bzoink
Your secret crush...
Do you have one?:Sort of :3
Do they know you are crushing on them?:Yes:3
Are they taken?:Nope!
Is it possible that you two might ever get together? if not, why?:It is:3
Do you have a partner now?:Not really..
Would you ditch your present partner to give things a chance with the crush:-
Have you ever given your crush a hint that you like them?:All the time:3
What is the boldest thing you've done to get their attention?:I don't know, ask him:3
What is the lamest thing you've done in front of them?:Mmm.. laughed:3
Do you actually know them or are you crushing from afar?:Know'em :3
Have you told anyone else you are crushing on this person?:Yes:3
What would you do if they came up to you and said "So, I hear you like me":''You've known for over a year... x3''
Are you going to do something for them on Valentines Day?:I hope so!
If so, will you do it openly or anonymously?:Openly!:3
Your Secret Admirer...
Have you ever received something signed "your secret admirer"?:Yes actually...hahah :D
Has anyone shocked you out of the blue by letting you know they like you?:Yes...
If an acquaintence, not friend, said they liked you, would it creep you out:No but it wouldn't matter
What is the nicest way someone let you know they liked you:Nicest? Idk.. ;_;
whats the creepiest way someone let you know they liked you:By calling me tit stuff..
Would you prefer a purchased card or hand made card from a SA:Purchased..
Have you ever signed something "your secret admirer":Nope:3
Have you ever helped a friend when they secretly admired someone?:No..
Do you suspect someone secretely admires you now:Yes:3
If you do, do you have a friend "research" it for you:No..I do that on my own:3
If you got a card from a SA, would it be weird/lame or sweet?:Sweet:3
Have you ever pretended to a friend they had an SA?:No :D
The anti-Valentine...
do you like Valentine's day:Its alright..
Do your friends like it or do you hang out with Val. Day haters?:Not many care for it actually..
Has anyone ever sent/given you a mean Valentine?:No :)
Have you ever sent/given a mean Valentine?:Nope, don't care enough
If you have, did you sign it?:-
Do you care if you have a partner, or do you celebrate V day anyway:Of course I care, otherwise It's just another day
Does V day make you feel sad:If I don't have a boyfriend, it annoys me.
If you had a partner and they hated V day, would you be sad:Nope:3
Does your school/work do anything for V day:Yeah its not a big holiday
Do you give your mom anything for V day:No xD
Do you think V day is more about sex or love:Love.. xD
what do you hate most about V day:If people make a too big fuss about it..
do you consider yourself romantic?:Sometimes:3
romantic in a classical way or a quirky way?:Quirky usually hahha :D
Do you think guys enjoy romantic things?:Some do. :3
Would you give a guy a stuffed toy for V day?:Maybe, if he likes them or of a pokemon if he likes any:3
Would you like to get a stuffed toy for V day?:Yesyesyes!
Would going out or staying in be more romantic?:Staying in, always, 'cause its winter:3
Would you prefer flowers and candy or a movie and a burger:Hahahahah.. I would totally contradict my ''usually quirky romance'' statement if I said movie and a burger but yeah :D
Do you like to dress up for V day:No...
Do you decorate for V day:Wut no?
What song do you consider most romantic these days:Idk..
Would it be sweet or lame to do a slow dance with your partner at home:Hahhah sweet if we have fun, but its way too corny xD
Is star gazing romantic:Its awkward.... XD
teddy bear and a card, or a mix CD?:Teddy bear!! :3
do your parents do something for V day:Divorced ...
what will your best friend do on V day?:Go to school... xD
what will you do for your partner?:I don't have a partner!!
what do you hope partner does for you?:Fuck you!
rate these 1-10
A bunch of balloons:4...
a singing telegram:3.. it mite be funneh..
flowers delivered to your house:6!
they bring you flowers:8!
heart shaped box of chocolates:9!
a basket of all different kinds of candy:6!
stuffed toy:10!
fancy dessert:7!
go out dancing:Eeh... Just for myself, 4..
go to a meal:5!
stay in watch a romantic movie:10!
they decorate your locker:Wut.. 3..
they bring you one perfect rose:10!
hand made card:10! Ofc!
silly store bought card:9!
romantic store bought card:9!
singing card:5! xD
they write you a poem:Too corny I don't like that... but its sweet! 5!
jewelry, nice:7!
jewelry that has two halves, one for each of you:Aww 9 :3
a useful but not romantic gift:9!
dont do valentines because they don't believe in it:Am I supposed to rate this?
have other plans that day so celebrate another time:1...
skip school and have a date together:5..
zoo or museum date:Zoo:3
sexy date, rent a room or something like that:2...
they give you a puppy or kitten:OMGOMGOMG! 100!
you get joint tattoos:0
they get a tattoo that relates to you:2...I don't like tattos but its a sweet thought..but no..
someone new asks you out on V day:10... xD
A few more thoughts....
If you could do ANYTHING, money no object for V day...:
what would it be?:
Does size matter? or is it the thought that counts?
the size of a bouquet:Doesn't. :3
the size of a box of candy:Naah, just that its the one I like x3
the price of dinner:It matters so it isnt too expensive but it doesn't have to be at all:3
the size of a diamond in a ring:hahah I wouldnt accept that. x3
how much is spent on your gift:Nah:3I don't need to know
how fancy a card you get:Its the thought!
how much of a fuss they make:I dont like TOO big..
if they make a show in front of your friends:Noo... but its the thought but noo ;_;
or do it all privately:Private! :3
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