Marija comes to the rescue!

 Oh my god, today has been hectic... Yes, I (and my dad) saved a kitty today!
For days I have been hearing a kitty meowing and meowing and meowing for days and today I finally saw her but she ran from me. I thought I'd leave her alone for awhile but after like ten minutes, I heard again that desperate meowing, asking for help and I ran to the basement and the kitty was just sitting there looking at me COVERED in grease! But that bad grease, that is dangerous for it's tiny little body. I called dad immediately and we right away took her upstairs and jumped her in the shower and I was so surprised she was so calm. Of course she was, she was afraid for her own life, she took any help someone offered.
We showered her and showered and showered, the grease WOULD NOT come off 'cause we didn't have that specific shampoo for cats or anything, so we tried to dry her afterwards, we did all we could, tried to feed her and she did for awhile but she was like, in a trauma or something... She was screaming, crying, whinning, she was so scared from us, more of her own self than us, but us two.
Two hours passed from that, she has been with my dad sleeping in his lap and now she's with me, sitting in MY lap, purring and wanting to cuddle!
She's so tiny you guys, I feel like I am going to break her with every movement I make...
My other cats are like so confused about who she is and they hiss when she tries to touch them but they're like, 2cm away from each other and they just stare, but if they want to touch, HISS.
That's when I separate them. This kitty is way to small... I did it, yet again! 


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