
Showing posts from February, 2013

Facebook, cyber bullying

I just got back from school. :3 It was okii but the day is still... bleargh, gross. :c We had a lecture in the school Library about protection and the safety of web sites. One of'em was particulary facebook. They kept talking and one of the things i didn't know  (that says in the information when you make your own account apperantly and when you agree to it's terms) is that Facebook can't be deleted . - You can disable your account but it's only for people using Facebook and your friends. It's like you never existed but actually on the origional Facebook server in America, the option for literally deleting your ACCOUNT is not working. It can't be done. If you disable your account, the moment you try to log in back again, everything is back up like it was normally. - It stands also for any comment, post you make. When you delete your post, it's deleted from your profile/timeline and you and your friends can't see it anymore but everything it


Oh... i heard the most ridiculous thing today... GUYS.  HEAR ME OUT.  EPIC NEWS. VERY IMPORTANT. Celebrating Halloween is a sin. -.- STOP CELEBRATING! Do you understand me? Do this, or otherwise Satan will bring you to his side! ... Fuck. you. I hate those sorts of bullshit. -.- Why is it a sin? It's said on the internet from a side of some dumb 'doctor' that he REALIZED out of NOWHERE, oh my god! That on halloween kids were stolen from the side of Satan and brought to the dark side and if not killed and never appeared again. And that Halloween is the day that Satan was born... -.-... I have no comments. STOP CELEBRATING! The doctor says so... You have to believe it right away! A man went into church so THAT MUST mean, his heart is pure! Rawr! -.-

Winter? - Sad

Ok... i realized something this morning. I was happy when i saw good weather is coming, the winds, the sun... the whole weather screams "Good energy!"... just like spring. Ever since winter started, i know i've had problems, but even after i got over'em,i was upset almost ALL the time. I don't mean to say that winter is my problem for being sad/depressed, just no, that's dumb. But i mean, if it's winter and i get upset for a good reason, when i look outside, it's dark, everything's naked, the trees, all of it is dead. Nature. It's harder for me to get better when it's like that... if i'm upset, i feel really bad. Ex; i feel like my life is crap and i'll never get out of bullshit,it's hard for even to try when i see no energy outside... Do you know what i mean? I'd look outside and like, the world is "always" going to be like this.. lifeless and dark and how am i supposed to think otherwise when i'm depress


Yeah Houston! Go fy! Can you guys believe him!? My sweet friend <3: You wanna see hate?!  Fine Dont fucking answer me, see if I give a damn. Fuck off and ont bother talking to me anymore!...tee hee |♥Blue :3 ♥|: ...D': Okay... Fine! My sweet friend <3: Fine!  lolz |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Fine! The last time you'll hear from me is my next blogpost! I swear! Go and leave me alone! My sweet friend <3: How dare you! I dont want to be in your blog. I take grave insult! X3 |♥Blue :3 ♥|: Oh i dare! I don't care what you don't want! My sweet friend <3: Well fuck you too then! -slam door shut- Bug off! ♥Blue :3 ♥|: -shouts- FINE! My sweet friend <3: -mumbles to self-  it all HER fault im like dont even know me...... |♥Blue :3 ♥|: -tries to not listen and makes a blogpost-! I can't believe him! I don't wanna see his face again! My sweet friend <3: I Heard that! I take back ALLLLL the things i helpped you with!  -mumbles- Stupid


:D I am amazed. I've been loving black roses for a very long time now. I didn't know they were actually just a symbol until i went on Wiki. I love THESE black ones; By black... i mean black! :D I love'em! I love blue roses too. They actually exist in nature. I googled green roses and it showed me some pictures but it won't let me enter the Wiki info. ;P Oh well. I've been told there's literally all colors of roses. :D White ones i love too! But what really got my attention is black and blue roses. One of my two favorite colors. I have never seen a blue rose personally, my mom has. but look at it... Its a huge picture, i apologize but it doesn't look as good in small dimensions. Isn't it gorgeous?! <3  I love for example in a bouquet a mix of Black and White, Black and Red.  Or, White and Blue. Everything goes with white though. x3  White and Red! :3 That's so very cute! I love roses and they're beginning to be m

Houston! ♥

Yes... he laughed... QuQ But he's the only one who can stand me, i'm so grateful for that, you have no idea. <_> It get's really hard, really stressful and just not worth the effort at the end. <w> But he loves me... right? DO YOU LOVE ME!? D: ... Well... even he doesn't he succeeded at making me feel better! :3 If you got me in a better mood, i won't waste time. <w> Yus! I want huggl- hey, he gave me huggles. ^w^ Yeeey! I love you my friend.  ♥  I don't know how you make it. <_>  ♥

What the fuck are you doing.

If you can't handle reading about someone's feelings and thoughts , don't fucking click "Continue" . If you're like that, you have no place on this particular blogpost. 

The morning report

Who remembers this?! :D Zazu: Good morning sire!  Mufasa: Good morning Zazu. :)  Zazu: Checking in with the morning report. Mufasa: Fire away. Chips are going ape, giraffes remain above it all. Elephants remember though just what, i can't recall. Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks. Showed interest in my eeg nest though i quickly said "No thanks.". We haven't paid the horn bills and the vultures have a hunch. Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch. This is the morning report. Gives you the long and the short. Its every grunt, roar and snort. It's not a tale i distort from the morning report! Well you know everything else! :D I love how Simba attacks him... Poor Zazu... ^w^

The Hobbit: An unexpected journey

I can't say i am too too impresed... It is an awesome movie, really. It made some stuff more clear but i can't call it as good as the trilogy for the Lord of the rings. :P Is it stupid to mix those two? I don't think so, but whatever. I really can't say i am that happy with the movie. It's good but still though, every time i watch it, i feel the need to at least watch Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring. :D I don't know why, it seems unfinished. :D And of course... from that, the last 2. <_> I love that movie ok? It's really... amazing. owo Anyway... yeah, i just watched the Hobbit again and still, it doesn't really excite me. I remember first time watching Lord of the rings, which was not a long time ago too, i remember being tense with what's going to happen and being so focused on whats going on, my dad could scare me just by saying something random during the movie. <_> It was so awesome. I "lost" my whol

Draw my life!

This is the cuttest thing i have seen in a long time! :3 So adorable! he's the best guys!! I have no doubt that you already know him.. Pft, of course you know him....  HE'S THE KING! :D  I still watch him from time to time, I follow FridaysWithPewDiePie regularly, really. ^u^ I don't miss'em and i used to love HappyWheels videos! I don't really follow anything with our mean bro! D: I'm sorry!! D: .. :( <'3 Don't hate on me!! D: I still think he's awesome! I remember.... He was so cute when he first started! Owo He's with Marzia now but, meh... then, she didn't even know him... so, i don't give a shit <_<...I don't trust her! >_> What am i doing... i'm doing voices in real... <_> Anyway! :3 WATCH HIM! :D If you don't know him, watch! <_< Or i'll make you pee in your bed! <_< Pft, of course you'll watch him, pffft~ :3 Who wouldn't like that face? :3 .... I'm such

I think she has some kind of problem in her head.

Fuck. you. You know what's one of the things i hate the most?  "She's a bit odd for me. I mean, i don't like those kinds of people, they're ugly. I think she has some kind of problem in her head, it's abnormal". Okay, there's this girl, Ana in my school. She listens to rock,metal,deathmetal, all kinds of metal,all kinds of rock, screamo. She likes to wear baggy shirts with band names written on them and likes to wear black. She's different. Yeah. Fucking so what? So what?!  The girl is just different!! She doesn't have a ring sticking out her nose or her eyelids and she doesn't have wholes that look like she's using drugs!  You don't even know her, you just see her passing by, walking!  She's just different from you! She has a different taste in music, she has her bangs died red! She's like that!  SO FUCKING WHAT! Explain to me, please, elaborate IF YOU CAN , why is that so bad? Why do you judge a book