Facebook, cyber bullying

I just got back from school. :3 It was okii but the day is still... bleargh, gross. :c
We had a lecture in the school Library about protection and the safety of web sites. One of'em was particulary facebook.

They kept talking and one of the things i didn't know (that says in the information when you make your own account apperantly and when you agree to it's terms) is that Facebook can't be deleted.
- You can disable your account but it's only for people using Facebook and your friends. It's like you never existed but actually on the origional Facebook server in America, the option for literally deleting your ACCOUNT is not working. It can't be done. If you disable your account, the moment you try to log in back again, everything is back up like it was normally.

- It stands also for any comment, post you make.
When you delete your post, it's deleted from your profile/timeline and you and your friends can't see it anymore but everything it sinked in the Facebook server and if the police or however they are called there, if they need to track everything up because you've gonne missing or anything, and if they need your information, they ask the American... people? And literally everything you've ever written down on facebook is saved. Chats and all. Also on Ask.fm.

-None of those anonymous people are really anonymous. Everything can be of course found out, who was it, which computer, from what computer, from which location.

Might seem logical but something i didn't really know.
That everything is actually saved, of course until the whole Facebook server and Ask.fm is deleted as well as the option in America.

There was actually also about cyber bullying.

They told us that one girl was hated on, on one of those... pages? You can make yourself. I don't know her name.
The girl put up with it, again and again and again, and over and over until her heart stopped.
Literally, from the stress... from the hate, her heart stopped. How? I have no idea but it's true. She was very young, younger than me.
I didn't believe it but they couldn't tell us more information, that's against the law and her privacy.
The people that liked that page. JUST LIKED, they didn't have to say anything, they would be turned into questioning because it's obvious you'd support something like that or find it funny/amusing.

Honestly, these sorts of lectures sort of scare me. I know all of this, in my mind i know what all can happen and all the dangers, possibilties, complications and so on.

But it's not really the same when you're hearing about a girl getting raped in another country because of "Facebook" circumstances and when you're close for it happening to you.
I know all of this, how many dangers are, but until it happens to me/you, i guess "none" of us will really do anything about it.

I honestly feel like deleting my facebook, or disabeling it and just using my current one where i have just Michael on it and a few animelike friends. I want to delete all of my pictures and so on on my previous one. I mean, i don't really use facebook that much. I just use it for chatting, nothing else. And now it turned into just chatting with two same people.
Christina and Mike.

I am/was one of those people who thought "That can't happen to me, i'm too smart for that to happen". That's stupid, when i think about it.
It's never 100% sure it won't happen to you. You can say it today and it just so happens that tomorrow it happend to Just you.

Anyway, yeah... I'm thinking of closing my facebook.
Though i've had it for years. Anyone who wanted to abuse my pictures of info might have done a pretty good job by then, but, it's never too late to stop it from happening more (?)


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