What the fuck are you doing.

If you can't handle reading about someone's feelings and thoughts, don't fucking click "Continue". If you're like that, you have no place on this particular blogpost. 

You'll never fucking understand just how much you meant to me and how much i tried to fucking help you.
You turned into an asshole. Or you're turning into one.
Things will change for you? Things have changed for you a long time ago and keep getting worse.
I may not know a lot about you now but i know that was not fucking you. You were never like this, you were the first to accept someone for your differences.
Now what? You're looking for a clone? Someone like you? Similar to you?
Good luck with that.
Get your head out of the fucking sky and clouds and come back to fucking earth. On the fucking ground.
Get back for fucks sake! I was always here for you, you called me a true friend.
I am not a true friend, a nice fucking stranger to you who you puke over behind my back.
Say for the words for once in your life. NO SHAME THERE. 
Don't try to be mature and brave about it, you're just being an asshole to everyone that's truly trying to help you!
You can't run away from your past! You can't run away from her. She's always there! You're in a fucking cage you built yourself!
I AM JUST PAST FOR YOU and that fucking hurts.
I wanted to protect you from the bullshit you're going through right now. I DIDN'T WARN YOU and that was my mistake!
I can't believe you're being such a dick about it when you're the one who threw me away.
YOU didn't give a chance. You were lied to. 
Fucking accept that it happened and no matter how much you try, it's still there. I don't give a fuck YOU don't care about it, RESPECT that someone does IF you called them a true friend.
STOP TRYING TO BE A MATURE GROWN UP, you're not. , take it the way you need to, NOT THE WAY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO. 
NOT EVERY GIRL with make-up is a slut.
NOT EVERY GIRL who cares if her hair is messy and if she has spots on her black tights is a DIVA.
It's said for guys that they don't give a fuck about hygiene and that ALMOST ALL guys don't give a fuck about girls but their pussy's!
Am i supposed to be like you?
"DON'T TALK TO ME if you're a guy who doesn't care about hygiene!".
Yeah maybe you're just dead to me, but fucking tell me that from the start. 
YOUR WORDS ACTUALLY HURT. Your words actually mean something to me!
I was prepared to fucking accept EVERY FUCKING THING YOU WOULD'VE GIVEN ME TO WORK WITH!!! 
I would've accepted YOU. 
I don't know what you're doing and i guess i'll never find out.
If you ever truly need Me, you'll know where to fucking find me.
I have 0% chances. I tried and i know that. 


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